/* Minification failed. Returning unminified contents. (658,13-23): run-time error JS1300: Strict-mode does not allow assignment to undefined variables: hasZipCode */ var Dell = window.Dell || {}; Dell.Controllers = Dell.Controllers || {} Dell.Controllers.vue = {}; (function ($, window, document) { (function () { 'use strict'; var vueApp = {}, components = {}, $this = this, debug = true, hasPerf = Dell.perfmetrics; Vue.config.devtools = debug; Vue.config.debug = debug; $.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], { attrContains: function (el, idx, sel) { var attrs = el.attributes; for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if (attrs[i].nodeName.toLowerCase().indexOf(sel[3].toLowerCase()) != -1) return true; } return false; } }); var testExp = function (exp, n, cn) { var hasCon = (console && console.log); try { eval(exp); } catch (e) { var msg = e.toString().toLowerCase(); if (hasCon && (msg.indexOf('referenceerror') === -1 && msg.indexOf('function') === -1)) { //ignore undefined functions -- most likely from specific mixin functions/component methods console.log('%cVUE Expression Error: Inline Expression from [' + cn + '] ' + n + ' = ' + exp + " \nError Message -- " + e, "color: red;"); //return; } } //if (hasCon) // console.log('TEST VUE Expression --> ' + n + ' = ' + exp); }; var testExpressions = function (c) { var item = Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks[0]; for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (components[c[i]]) { $(components[c[i]].template).find('[v-if],:attrContains("v-bind")').each(function () { $this = $(this); $.each(this.attributes, function (idx, attr) { if (attr.name == 'v-if' || attr.name.indexOf('v-bind') != -1) testExp(attr.value, attr.name, c[i]); }); }); } } }; $this.register = function (k, el, d, op) { if (hasPerf) Dell.perfmetrics.start('Vue.Register.' + k); vueApp[k] = new Vue({ el: el, data: d, components: (op && op.components ? op.components : {}), methods: (op && op.methods ? op.methods : {}) }); Vue.nextTick(function () { if (hasPerf) Dell.perfmetrics.end('Vue.Register.' + k); }(k)); //checkCache(k); }; this.newComponent = function (a, co, reg) { if (typeof a !== 'undefined') { var n = !$.isArray(a) ? [{ name: a, co: co }] : a; for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { var co = n[i].co; if (co.template && (typeof co.template !== 'string')) { //work with a cloned copy of the template co.template = co.template.cloneNode(true); if (co.template.hasAttribute('inline-template')) cleanInlineTmpl(co, true); else co.template = getComponentTemplate(co); } if (co.components && $.isArray(co.components)) { var c = {}; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < co.components.length; i2++) c[co.components[i2]] = Dell.Controllers.vue.getComponent(co.components[i2]); //if (debug) // testExpressions(co.components); //only for debugging co.components = c; } // Save the reuseable constructor options components[n[i].name] = co; // Register the constructor with corresponding id if ((typeof reg !== 'undefined' && reg) || (typeof n[i].register !== 'undefined' && n[i].register)) Vue.component(n[i].name, components[n[i].name]); } } }; function cleanInlineTmpl(co, ch) { var i = 0; var $el = $(co.template); //clean children (include child attributes + remove duplicates within for each loops) //remove duplicate children whithin v-for containers. $el.find('[only-child]').not(':first-child').remove(); //remove static attributes (any attributes that we want bound via v-bind:) $el.find(':attrContains("v-bind")').addBack($el).each(function () { for (i = this.attributes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.attributes[i].name.indexOf('v-bind:') === 0) { var stcNm = this.attributes[i].name.replace('v-bind:', ''); if (this.hasAttribute(stcNm)) this.removeAttribute(stcNm); } } }); //remove any v-hide classes used for initial rendering $el.find('.v-hide').addBack($el).removeClass('v-hide'); //return $el[0]; //remove predefined child component templates and needless v- attributes binding (cause needless exponential re-rendering) if (co.components) { for (i = 0; i < co.components.length; i++) { var $childCo = $el.find(co.components[i]); if ($childCo.length !== 0) $childCo.empty(); } } } function getComponentTemplate(co) { if (co.template) { cleanInlineTmpl(co, true); var tmplt = co.template.outerHTML; //co.template.innerHTML = ''; return tmplt; } return ''; } this.getComponent = function (n) { if (components[n]) return components[n]; else return undefined; }; this.isDefined = function (k) { return typeof vueApp[k] !== 'undefined'; }; var checkCache = function (k) { var key = 'VueTimer-' + k; if (window.localStorage && localStorage[key]) vueApp[k].timers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)); else vueApp[k].timers = []; }; this.setVMData = function (k, p, d) { if (vueApp[k]) { //vueApp[k].timers.push(performance.now()); if (hasPerf) Dell.perfmetrics.start('Vue.Update.' + k); Vue.set(vueApp[k], p, d); vueApp[k].$forceUpdate(); Vue.nextTick(function () { //var idx = vueApp[k].timers.length - 1; //vueApp[k].timers[idx] = (performance.now() - vueApp[k].timers[idx]); if (hasPerf) Dell.perfmetrics.end('Vue.Update.' + k); }(k)); } }; this.getAvgTime = function (k) { if (vueApp[k]) { var avg = 0; var c = vueApp[k].timers.length; for (var i = 0; i < c; i++) { avg += vueApp[k].timers[i]; } avg = avg / c; if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.log !== 'undefined') console.log(k + ' average render time (' + c + ' samples) = ' + avg); if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') window.localStorage.setItem('VueTimer-' + k, JSON.stringify(vueApp[k].timers)); return avg; } else { return 0; } }; this.getVMData = function (k) { if (vueApp[k]) return vueApp[k].$data; else return undefined; }; }).call(Dell.Controllers.vue); })(jQuery, window, document); var Dell = window.Dell || {}; Dell.Services = Dell.Services || {} Dell.Services.personalization = {}; (function($, win, doc) { (function () { var $this = this; $this.userContext = {}; $this.apiUrl = ""; $this.pageSize = 150; $this.promotionMessage = ''; $this.personalizationApiUrl = function () { var urlString = $this.apiUrl; var userContext = $this.getUserContext(); var skus = $this.getSkus(); var category = $this.getCategory(); var pageSize = $this.getPageSize(); if (userContext !== null && (typeof userContext !== "undefined") && userContext.toString().trim() !== "") { urlString = urlString + userContext; } if (skus !== null && (typeof skus !== "undefined") && skus.toString().trim() !== "") { urlString = urlString + skus; } if (category !== null && (typeof category !== "undefined") && category.toString().trim() !== "") { urlString = urlString + category; } if (pageSize !== null && (typeof pageSize !== "undefined") && pageSize.toString().trim() !== "") { urlString = urlString + pageSize; } return urlString; }; $this.setSkus = function (stacks) { $this.skus = []; for (var i = 0; i < stacks.length; i++) { if (stacks[i].Stack.Sku.Value.toLowerCase().trim() !== "") { $this.skus.push("sku=" + stacks[i].Stack.Sku.Value.toLowerCase() + "&"); } } $this.skus = $this.skus.join(""); if ($this.skus.length > 0) { $this.skus = $this.skus.substring(0, $this.skus.length - 1); } }; $this.getSkus = function () { return $this.skus; }; $this.getCategory = function () { return "&category=" + Dell.Metrics.sc.categoryid; } $this.getPageSize = function () { return "&page_size=" + $this.pageSize; } $this.getUserContext = function () { return '{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}?'. format($this.userContext.Country, $this.userContext.Language, $this.userContext.CustomerSet, $this.userContext.Segment); }; $this.setSku = function (sku) { $this.skus = ''; if (sku) { $this.skus = "sku=" + sku; } } /* TODO: Currently, a good amount of JS for accessories is in AccessoryProductDetail.cshtml partial. * We eventually need to move that out to a separate file. * This function/AJAX will need to be moved out as well when SNP PD page gets Vue-ified to its own controller. * An ideal solution would be to make this a directive where the call is made and the messages are applied at page load. */ $this.getPromotionMessage = function (url, uc, sku, el, messageEl) { $this.apiUrl = url; $this.userContext = uc; $this.setSku(sku); Dell.Services.httpGetService.getData($this.personalizationApiUrl()).success(function (data) { if (data.offers) { for (var i = 0; i < data.offers.length; i++) { if (data.offers[i].messages) { if (data.offers[i].messages[0].container == null || data.offers[i].messages[0].container == 'taglines') { el.removeClass('hidden'); messageEl.html(data.offers[i].messages[0].text); break; } } } } else { console.log('API call was successful, but no messages were found for: ' + sku); } }).error(function () { console.log('API call failed for personalization show promotion message for: ' + sku); }); } }).call(Dell.Services.personalization); })(jQuery,window,document);; var Dell = window.Dell || {}; Dell.Controllers = Dell.Controllers || {} Dell.Controllers.diecut = {}; (function ($, window, document) { (function () { 'use strict'; var $this = Dell.Controllers.diecut, $rootScope = $('[data-scope]'), $series = $rootScope.find(".series-Family"), comoDieCuts = null, comoLinkFrmt = ' {1}', personalizationApiUrl = $rootScope.data('personapi'), $dieCuts = $series.find('.dfs-merchandizing-die-cut'), categoryName = $rootScope.attr('data-cat-name'), personalizationService = Dell.Services.personalization; $this.DieCutMessages = []; var updateNabiscoInline = function(st) { var $nabisco = $('.ups-promotion'); for (var i = 0, l = st.length; i < l; i++) { var $n = $nabisco.filter('.stack-' + i); if (st[i].Stack.PromotionMessage && st[i].Stack.PromotionMessage.Value != null && st[i].Stack.PromotionMessage.Value.length > 0) { $n.find('.bug_text span').not('.bug_pointer').html(st[i].Stack.PromotionMessage.Value); $n.closest('.ups-promotion').children().removeClass('v-hide'); } } }; $this.mapPersonalizationResults = function (data,stacks) { if (typeof data != 'undefined') { $this.DieCutMessages = []; $.each(data.offers, function (key , offer) { // this check is for the diecuts if (offer.messages.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < offer.messages.length; j++) { // add only result page diecut message types to the diecutmessages scope array if (offer.messages[j].container && offer.messages[j].container.indexOf("results page diecut") !== -1) { // using last character of message's container field as the array index var index = offer.messages[j].container.substring(offer.messages[j].container.length - 1); $this.DieCutMessages[index - 1] = offer.messages[j].text; } } } //this check is for the taglines //if to prevent any other types except for taglines for (var i = 0; i < stacks.length; i++) { if (stacks[i].Stack.Sku.Value.toLowerCase() === offer.sku) { for (var j = 0; j < offer.messages.length; j++) { if (!offer.messages[j].container || offer.messages[j].container.indexOf("taglines") !== -1) { stacks[i].Stack.PromotionMessage.Value = offer.messages[j].text; stacks[i].Options.ShowPromotion = true; stacks[i].RenderPromotions = true; stacks[i].Stack.DisplayPromotion = true; Dell.Controllers.productstack.mapPersonalization = true; //map persona only once to prevent circular dependency break; } } } } }); if (Dell.Controllers.productstack.mapPersonalization) { //prevent re-render on page load of entire vuestacks until personalized content is in separate component/controller if ($('stackrow').length > 0) updateNabiscoInline(stacks); else Dell.Controllers.productstack.updateStacks(stacks); } $this.handleDiecuts(); } }; $this.getPersonalizedData = function (stacks) { var lwpObj = {}; personalizationService.apiUrl = personalizationApiUrl; try{ lwpObj = Dell.Transactional.buildLightweightProfile();}catch(e){} personalizationService.userContext.Country = lwpObj.c; personalizationService.userContext.Language = lwpObj.l; personalizationService.userContext.Segment = lwpObj.s; personalizationService.userContext.CustomerSet = lwpObj.cs; if (typeof Dell.Services.DataModel !== 'undefined' && typeof Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks !== 'undefined') personalizationService.setSkus(stacks); Dell.Services.httpGetService.getData(Dell.Services.personalization.personalizationApiUrl()).success(function (data) { if (data.offers.length > 0) { $this.mapPersonalizationResults(data,stacks); } else { $this.handleDiecuts(); } }).error(function () { $this.handleDiecuts(); }); }; $this.renderDiecut = function (stacks) { if (personalizationApiUrl) $this.getPersonalizedData(stacks); else $this.handleDiecuts(); } $this.handleDiecuts = function() { if ($rootScope.hasClass('results')) { // injects text into die cut css found in web page $(".result-page-die-cut").remove(); var diecut = $(".result-page-die-cut-main"); if (diecut.length > 0) { var productStacks = $(".product-stack-row"); var productStackCount = productStacks.length; for (var i = 1; i < productStackCount - 1; i += 2) { var diecutClone = diecut.clone(); if (typeof $this.DieCutMessages != 'undefined') { var messageContent = $this.DieCutMessages[Math.floor(i / 2)]; // p.centered is the text value location we need to replace with our content from personalization api if (messageContent) diecutClone.find("p.centered").html(messageContent); } diecutClone = $(diecutClone).removeClass("result-page-die-cut-main").addClass("result-page-die-cut"); $(productStacks[i]).append(diecutClone); } // make element visible $(".result-page-die-cut").removeClass("hide").addClass('hidden-xs'); } } }; $this.dieCutApiUrl = function (apiUrl) { return '{0}diecut/GetDiecutMessages?categoryId={1}'.format(Dell.Services.apiUrl, categoryName); }; $this.getComoDieCuts = function () { $.ajax($this.dieCutApiUrl()).success(function (data) { comoDieCuts = data; $this.assignComoDieCuts(comoDieCuts); }).error(function () { $this.assignComoDieCuts(); }); }; $this.assignComoDieCuts = function (d) { if (typeof d !== 'undefined' && d != null && d.length > 0) { //display warm/hot state como messaging & links for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var dieCut = d[i]; var $match = $series.filter('[data-categorycode=' + dieCut.StackId + ']').find('.dfs-merchandizing-die-cut'); if ($match.length != 0) { var dieCutLinks = ''; if (dieCut.IsVisible) { $match.find('.promo').html(dieCut.MessagingText); if (dieCut.LearnLink.IsVisible) dieCutLinks += comoLinkFrmt.format(dieCut.LearnLink.Url, dieCut.LearnLink.Caption, dieCut.LearnLink.Target); if (dieCut.ApplyLink.IsVisible && dieCut.ApplyLink.Caption != null && dieCut.ApplyLink.Caption != '') dieCutLinks += ' | '; $match.find('.dpaLinks').html(dieCutLinks); $match.show(); } else { $match.hide(); } } } } //hide for mobile only $dieCuts.removeClass('hide').addClass('hidden-xs'); }; }).call(Dell.Controllers.diecut); })(jQuery, window, document);; var Dell = Dell || {}; Dell.Controllers = Dell.Controllers || {}; Dell.Controllers.cfcModal = {}; (function ($, window, document) { (function () { 'use strict'; var $this = this, key = 'cfcModal', $modal = $('#cfc-modal'), $zipInput = $('#inputZipcode'), $zipSubmit = $modal.find('.cfcCta'), showLoading = true, cfcModalData = { hasError: false, isValid: false, userZipCode: "", modalCtaLabel: "", cfcModel: {}, //data received from EstimatedDeliveryModel api call deliveryDates: {}, // data received from EstimatedDeliveryDates api call shippingModel: {}, // shipping data from product stack }, linkWithZipCode = "", newShippingMessage = "", apiUrl = serverUrls.apiServiceUrl, orderCode = "", stackType = "", selectionstate = "", itemIdentifiers = "", weight = "", type = "", oc = "", ocs = "", skus = "", primaryCtaCaption = "", postObj = {}, postObjJson = {}, isSnp = false, clearForm = false, loadForm = true, zipRegex = /^[0-9]{5}(?:-[0-9]{4})?$/, validateTrigger = false, req = null, page = $('meta[name=wacontroller]').attr("content").toLowerCase(), $document = $(document); function initVueTemplate() { Dell.Controllers.vue.newComponent([ { name: 'cfcmodal', co: { template: $('cfcmodal')[0], props: { cfcmodeldata: Object } }, register: true } ]); Dell.Controllers.vue.register(key, $modal[0], { cfcModalData: cfcModalData }); } function initCfcModal() { cfcModalData.userZipCode = loadCookieZipCode(); $document.on('updateCFCShippingModal', function (event) { if (cfcModalData.modalCtaLabel === "" && typeof cfcModalData.shippingModel.EstimatedDeliveryModel !== 'undefined') { cfcModalData.modalCtaLabel = cfcModalData.shippingModel.EstimatedDeliveryModel.PrimaryCtaCaption; } /*zipCode = $this.getZipCode(); if (zipCode != '') { $this.getShippingInfo(zipCode); }*/ if (!Dell.Controllers.vue.isDefined(key)) initVueTemplate(); else Dell.Controllers.vue.setVMData(key, 'cfcModalData', cfcModalData); Vue.nextTick(function () { $modal = $('#cfc-modal'); $zipInput = $('#inputZipcode'); $zipSubmit = $modal.find('.cfcCta'); $zipInput.on('change keyup', validateZipCode); $document.on('submit', '#zipform', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); submit(); }); }); }).on('newResultsReceived newStacksReceived', bindEvents); bindEvents(); /*$scope.$watch(function () { return cfcService.showLoading; }, function (newVal, oldVal) { $scope.showLoading = newVal; }); $scope.$watch(function () { return cfcService.error; }, function (newVal, oldVal) { $scope.error = newVal; }); $scope.$watch(function () { return cfcService.hasZipCode; }, function (newVal, oldVal) { $scope.hasZipCode = newVal; }); $scope.$watch(function () { return cfcService.clearForm; }, function (newVal, oldVal) { $scope.zipform.userZipCode.$error.pattern = true; }); $scope.$watch(function () { return cfcService.loadForm; }, function (newVal, oldVal) { $scope.zipform.userZipCode.$error.required = false; });*/ }; function bindEvents() { if (page !== 'pdreview') $('#root-canvas, #configurations-content, #deals-content').on('click', 'a.cfcDates', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); loadCFCModal($(this)); }); }; function loadCFCModal($e) { type = $e.attr('data-type').toLowerCase(); weight = $e.attr('data-weight'); oc = $e.attr('data-id'); var stack = Dell.Controllers.productstack.getProduct({ id: oc }); ocs = ''; skus = ''; //update to work with compare and candy aisle stack groups for (var i = 0; i < Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks.length; i++) { if (Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks[i].IsMerchandisingContainer == false) { var ps = Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks[i].Stack; /* * SnpStock.Status - 0: None, 5: LimitedStock, 7: PreOrder * For reference - Dell.Transactional.Runtime.Shop.ProductStack.StockStatus */ if ((ps.Type !== 0 && ps.SnpStock.Status === 0 || ps.SnpStock.Status === 5 || ps.SnpStock.Status === 7) || ps.Type === 0) { if (ps.Type === 1) { skus += ps.Sku.Value + ';'; } else { ocs += ps.OrderCodeSkus + ';' } } } } cfcModalData.shippingModel = stack.Stack.Shipping; $document.trigger('updateCFCShippingModal'); //$this.loadModal(oc, stack.Stack.Shipping, type, ocs, skus, weight); } function submit() { cfcModalData.userZipCode = $zipInput.val(); if (cfcModalData.userZipCode === "") { cfcModalData.userZipCode = $this.getCFCZipCode(); } $this.getShippingInfo(cfcModalData.userZipCode); } function validateZipCode() { if (!validateTrigger) { validateTrigger = true; //allow call every 250ms cfcModalData.userZipCode = $zipInput.val(); cfcModalData.isValid = (zipRegex.exec(cfcModalData.userZipCode) === null); $document.trigger('updateCFCShippingModal'); //$zipSubmit.attr('disabled', hasError); setTimeout(function () { validateTrigger = false; }, 250); } } $this.cfcApiUrl = function () { return '{0}EstimatedDelivery/EstimatedDeliveryModel?postalCode={1}&productId={2}&selectionstate={3}&isSNP={4}&weight={5}'. format(apiUrl, cfcModalData.userZipCode, oc, selectionstate, isSnp, weight); }; $this.cfcDeliveryDatesApiUrl = function () { return '{0}EstimatedDelivery/EstimatedDeliveryDates'. format(apiUrl); }; $this.loadModal = function (oc, shippingModel, type, ocs, skus, weight) { showLoading = true; hasZipCode = false; cfcModalData.userZipCode = $this.getZipCode(); orderCode = oc; cfcModalData.shippingModel = shippingModel; stackType = type; isSnp = stackType === 'snp' || parseInt(stackType) === 1; ocs = ocs; skus = skus; weight = weight; if (cfcModalData.userZipCode != '') { $this.getShippingInfo(cfcModalData.userZipCode); } }; function existsInCookie() { return (amplify.store.localStorage !== undefined || amplify.store.sessionStorage !== undefined) ? (typeof amplify.store().cfcZipCode !== 'undefined') : false; }; function loadCookieZipCode() { return existsInCookie() ? amplify.store().cfcZipCode : ''; }; $this.clearModal = function () { $('#inputZipcode').val(''); clearForm = !clearForm; }; $this.getZipCode = function () { var cookieValue = $.cookie('location'); if (typeof cookieValue !== 'undefined' && cookieValue !== '') { var cookieObj = JSON.parse(cookieValue); if (typeof cookieObj.zipcode !== 'undefined' && cookieObj.zipcode !== "") { return cookieObj.zipcode; } else { return ''; } } else { return ''; } }; function setLoadingState(loading) { $modal.attr('data-state', loading ? 'iconSpinner' : ''); } $this.getShippingInfo = function (zipCode) { if (typeof zipCode !== 'undefined' && zipCode !== "") { cfcModalData.hasError = false; //showLoading = true; setLoadingState(true); cfcModalData.userZipCode = zipCode; $this.setCFCZipCode(zipCode); if (req === null || req.readyState >= 4) { req = Dell.Services.httpGetService.getData($this.cfcApiUrl()) .success(function (data, stcd, xhr, stg) { cfcModalData.cfcModel = data; showLoading = false; postObj["PostalCode"] = zipCode; postObj["SystemId"] = ocs; postObj["SnpId"] = skus; postObjJson = JSON.stringify(postObj); setLoadingState(false); Dell.Services.httpGetService.postData({ url: $this.cfcDeliveryDatesApiUrl(), data: postObjJson, success: function (deliveryData, stcd, xhr, stg) { cfcModalData.deliveryDates = deliveryData; $this.updateProductStack(data.ProductStackDeliveryMessage, data.PrimaryCtaCaption, deliveryData); }, error: function (e) { $this.updateProductStack(null, cfcModalData.cfcModel.PrimaryCtaCaption, { zipCode: zipCode }); } }); }).error(function () { setLoadingState(false); cfcModalData.hasError = true; $document.trigger('updateCFCShippingModal'); }); } } }; $this.getDeliveryDates = function (zipCode) { cfcModalData.userZipCode = zipCode; var skus = ''; var ocs = ''; if ($('.snp-hero-productStack').length > 0 || $('#review-summary').length > 0) { var oc = $('.cfcDates').attr('data-id'); var type = $('.cfcDates').attr('data-type').toLowerCase(); ocs = $('.cfcDates').attr('data-ordercodeskus'); if (type === 1 || type.toLowerCase() === 'snp') { skus = oc; ocs = ''; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks.length; i++) { if (Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks[i].IsMerchandisingContainer == false) { var ps = Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks[i].Stack; /* * SnpStock.Status - 0: None, 5: LimitedStock, 7: PreOrder * For reference - Dell.Transactional.Runtime.Shop.ProductStack.StockStatus */ if ((ps.Type !== 0 && ps.SnpStock.Status === 0 || ps.SnpStock.Status === 5 || ps.SnpStock.Status === 7) || ps.Type === 0) { if (ps.Type === 1) { skus += ps.Sku.Value + ';'; } else { ocs += ps.OrderCodeSkus + ';' } } } } } if (typeof Dell !== 'undefined' && typeof Dell.Services !== 'undefined' && typeof Dell.Services.DataModel !== 'undefined' && typeof Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks !== 'undefined' && Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks.length > 0) { $this.primaryCtaCaption = Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks[0].Stack.Shipping.EstimatedDeliveryModel.PrimaryCtaCaption; } $this.postObj["PostalCode"] = zipCode; $this.postObj["SystemId"] = ocs; $this.postObj["SnpId"] = skus; $this.postObjJson = JSON.stringify($this.postObj); Dell.Services.httpGetService.postData({ url: $this.cfcDeliveryDatesApiUrl(), data: $this.postObjJson, success: function (deliveryData, stcd, xhr, stg) { $this.updateProductStack(null, $this.primaryCtaCaption, deliveryData); } }); }; $this.setSelectionState = function (ss) { $this.selectionstate = ss; }; $this.setCFCZipCode = function (zipCode) { cfcModalData.userZipCode = zipCode; amplify.store('cfcZipCode', zipCode, { expires: 86400000 }); //keep for 24hrs. // set cookie to be read by CART (https) $.cookie('cfcZipCode', zipCode, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); // keep for 1 day SHOP.Transactional.Location.setZipCodeInLocationCookie(zipCode); }; $this.getCFCZipCode = function () { if (amplify.store.localStorage !== undefined || amplify.store.sessionStorage !== undefined) { if (typeof amplify.store().cfcZipCode !== 'undefined') { return amplify.store('cfcZipCode'); } } return -1; }; $this.updateProductStack = function (message, link, deliverydata) { linkWithZipCode = cfcModalData.userZipCode !== "" && typeof cfcModalData.userZipCode !== 'undefined' ? 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stackData.Stacks : stackData); prod = Dell.Controllers.productstack.getProduct({ id: p.id, sc: true }, stacks); if (prod) { return prod; } } } } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } } return prod; } $this.hasWindow10Home = function () { if ($(window)[0].Dell.Metrics.sc.country === 'us' && $(window)[0].Dell.Metrics.sc.segment === 'bsd') { return $scope.modelStacks && $scope.modelStacks .map(function (stack) { return stack.Specs.TechSpecs.filter(function (spec) { return spec.Label.toLocaleUpperCase() === "OPERATING SYSTEM" && spec.Values[0].toLocaleUpperCase().includes("WINDOWS 10 HOME"); }); }) .reduce(function (prev, cur) { return prev.concat(cur); }).length > 0; } else { return false; } } $this.hasCfcUpdate = function () { return cfcUpdate; }; $this.moduleIndex = function () { return moduleIndex; }; $this.itemIndex = function () { return itemIndex; }; var getPage = function (i) { var max = $this.ipr * i; return vm.slice((max - $this.ipr), (max < vm.Stacks.length + 1 ? max : vm.Stacks.length)); }; var updateCfcData = function (vm) { var counter = 0; if (hasDeliveryData) { vm.forEach(function (v, i) { var product = parseInt(v.Stack.Type) === 1 ? v.Stack.Sku.Value : v.Stack.OrderCodeSkus; if (typeof product != 'undefined' && product != '') { var productDeliveryData = deliveryData.deliverydata[product]; if (typeof productDeliveryData != 'undefined' && productDeliveryData.ShowDeliveryMessage) { v.Stack.Shipping.ShippingTitle.Value = ''; $('.cfcZipCode').empty(); v.Stack.Shipping.ShippingDate.Value = productDeliveryData.DeliveryMessage; v.Stack.Shipping.EstimatedDeliveryModel.ProductStackDeliveryMessage = productDeliveryData.DeliveryMessage; } v.Stack.Shipping.EstimatedDeliveryModel.PrimaryCtaCaption = deliveryData.linkWithoutZipCode; v.Stack.Shipping.EstimatedDeliveryModel.ZipCode = deliveryData.zipCode; counter++; } }); } return counter; } $document.on('newUserState', bindPersonalized) .on('newResultsReceived newStacksReceived', function (e, d, a) { var append = typeof a !== 'undefined' ? a : false, cfcUpdated = updateCfcData((d.Stacks ? d.Stacks : d)); if (d.VueIndex && !(d.Source && d.Source == "deals")) { var gr = Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups[d.VueIndex]; gr.Items = d.Stacks ? 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v.Stack.Sku.Value : (!v.Stack.OrderCodeSkus ? 'undefined' : v.Stack.OrderCodeSkus); if (typeof product != 'undefined' && product != '') { var productDeliveryData = deliveryData.deliverydata[product]; if (typeof productDeliveryData != 'undefined' && productDeliveryData.ShowDeliveryMessage) { v.Stack.Shipping.ShippingTitle.Value = ''; v.Stack.Shipping.ShippingDate.Value = productDeliveryData.DeliveryMessage; v.Stack.Shipping.EstimatedDeliveryModel.ProductStackDeliveryMessage = productDeliveryData.DeliveryMessage; } v.Stack.Shipping.EstimatedDeliveryModel.PrimaryCtaCaption = deliveryData.linkWithoutZipCode; v.Stack.Shipping.EstimatedDeliveryModel.ZipCode = deliveryData.zipCode; counter++; } }); } return counter; } $(document).on('updateCFCShipping cfcModelData', function (e, d) { deliveryData = d; hasDeliveryData = d !== undefined && d !== null; if (hasDeliveryData) { $document.trigger('bootstrapChk'); var counter = 0, maxIndex = !isCompare ? 1 : Dell.Services.DataModel.CompareCategories.length, newVm = []; cfcUpdate = true; counter = updateCfcData(om); for (var i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++) { newVm = (!isCompare ? vm : Dell.Services.DataModel.CompareCategories[i].Containers); counter = updateCfcData(newVm); if (counter > 0) { $this.updateStacks(newVm, (!isCompare ? null : i)); } } try { /* * Below code is required to handle CFC in All deals tab as all Deals has multiple staks. */ if (Dell.Services.DataModel.AllDealsCategories && Object.keys(Dell.Services.DataModel.AllDealsCategories).length > 0) { var counter = 0; for (var j = 0; j < Object.keys(Dell.Services.DataModel.AllDealsCategories).length; j++) { var stackData = Dell.Services.DataModel.AllDealsCategories[Object.keys(Dell.Services.DataModel.AllDealsCategories)[j]].Results.Stacks; if (stackData) { var stacks = (stackData.Stacks ? stackData.Stacks : stackData); counter += updateCfcData(stacks); } } if (counter > 0) { $(document).trigger("updateAllDeals", [Dell.Services.DataModel]); } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } }) .on('updateCompare', function (e, d) { if (!vueMixinCalled) { $this.vueMixins(); } $this.updateStacks(d, Dell.Controllers.comparectrl.groupIndex); }) .one('Dell.Services.DataModel', function ProductStackDataModel() { vm = Dell.Services.DataModel ? 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Target correct index if defined var $pc = !((isRec || isCompare) && idx !== undefined && Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups !== undefined) ? $pcs.eq(idx ? idx : 0) : $('#' + Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups[idx].Id + '-content #ProductStackContainer').eq(0); $pc.removeClass('ng-hide').find('stackrow').not(':first').remove(); $pc.find('stackrow').empty();//only one child allowed within component Dell.Controllers.vue.register(k, $pc[0], d); //create a vue instance }; var sortLinks = function (vm) { for (var i = 0; i < vm.length; i++) { if (typeof vm[i].Stack.Links.Links !== undefined && vm[i].Stack.Links.Links !== null && vm[i].Stack.Links.Links.length > 0) vm[i].Stack.Links.Links.sort(function (a, b) { return a.Sequence == b.Sequence ? 0 : (a.Sequence > b.Sequence) || -1; }); //ascending order } } $this.updateStacks = function (d, idx) { if (d && d.length > 0) { var k = 'ProductStacks' + (idx ? '-' + idx : ''); vm = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(d)); $this.determineLayout(); //remove open popovers $('#ProductStackContainer.vuePOC').find('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover('hide'); sortLinks(vm); if (!Dell.Controllers.vue.isDefined(k)) $this.initVue({ Stacks: vm }, idx); else Dell.Controllers.vue.setVMData(k, 'Stacks', vm); if (!$this.mapPersonalization) //prevent circular dependency $this.renderDiecut(vm); $this.mapPersonalization = false; } Vue.nextTick(function () { var $pcs = $('#ProductStackContainer.vuePOC'); Dell.Services.lazyload.loadImage($pcs.find('img.lazy, img.img-product').attr('src', '//i.dell.com/images/global/general/1x1.gif')); bindLinks(); bindPersonalized(); $document.trigger('updateProductStacks'); //check for unmatched expanded tech specs. Ensure all are in expanded / collapsed state $('.tech-spec-row-group').each(function () { var $prnt = $(this); var $accSpecs = $prnt.find('[id=show-hide-tech-specs]'); var $accExp = $accSpecs.filter('.in'); if ($accExp.length > 0 && $accExp.length < $accSpecs.length) { $($prnt).find('.tech-spec-value').each(function (i) { $(this).find('#show-hide-tech-specs').collapse('show'); $(this).find('a').removeClass('collapsed'); }); } }); if (Dell.Controllers.dfsModal) Dell.Controllers.dfsModal.bindEvents(); if (resultsPage) $document.trigger('updateMerchTiles'); /*if ($this.isMobile && idx !== undefined) { var $parent = $pcs.eq(idx ? idx : 0).closest('.seriesFamilyTablet'); //$parent.find('.scroll-control').attr('style', ''); //$parent.find('.toggle-off').toggle(); //SHOP.Transactional.OffCanvas.setupTransition(); }*/ }); }; var comoCheck = function (t) { var match = false; var state = typeof Dell.Services.userContext !== 'undefined' ? Dell.Services.userContext.getComoState() : 'cold'; var s = typeof t !== 'undefined' && t !== null ? t.split('|') : ['cold']; $.each(s, function (i) { if (state === s[i].toLowerCase()) match = true; }); return match; }; var bindPersonalized = function () { //ismember="@(UserContext.Current.IsDellAdvantageMember ? "true" : "false")" //hasprofile="@((UserContext.Current.IsAuthenticated || UserContext.Current.IsRecognized) ? "true" : "false")" //productrewards="@item.NgNameFor(ps => ps.Stack.Rewards)" //comorewardsmessage="@item.NgNameFor(ps => ps.Stack.ComoRewardsMessage)"> user = Dell.Services.userContext.get(); checkComo(); $('.rewards-popover').each( function (e) { var $this = $(this); //e.preventDefault(); $this.removeData("bs.popover"); var pid = $this.attr('id').replace('daTtip-', ''); var stack = Dell.Controllers.productstack.getProduct({ id: pid }); if (stack != null) { $this.popover({ content: (stack.Stack.ComoRewardsMessage != null && stack.Stack.ComoRewardsMessage !== "") ? stack.Stack.ComoRewardsMessage : (user.IsDellAdvantageMember) ? stack.Stack.Rewards.DellAdvantageMessagingAuthenticatedMember : (user.IsAuthenticated || user.IsRecognized) ? stack.Stack.Rewards.DellAdvantageMessagingAuthenticated : stack.Stack.Rewards.DellAdvantageMessagingUnauthenticated, title: stack.Stack.Rewards.DellAdvantageMessagingTitle + "", container: 'body', html: true, placement: 'auto right' }); } }); //MAP pricing authenticated CTA callouts - show/hide auth-content or unauth-content based on auth state $('.dellPricing .auth-content').toggle(user.IsAuthenticated); $('.dellPricing .unauth-content').toggle(!user.IsAuthenticated); if (user.IsAuthenticated) $('.mapPricingInfo[rel="shop_product_stack_map_price_info_unauthenticated"]').attr('rel', 'shop_product_stack_map_price_info_authenticated'); }; var checkComo = function () { var $como = $('[v-bind\\:class^=comoCss\\(]').addClass('ng-hide'); $como.each(function () { var states = $(this).attr('v-bind:class'); states = states.substring(9, states.length - 2); if (comoCheck(states)) $(this).removeClass('ng-hide'); }); }; var getId = function (i, f) { var noSpaces = f !== undefined ? f : true, chr = noSpaces ? '-' : ' '; if (i.Stack === undefined) return '0'; else return (i.Stack.Type !== 2 && i.Stack.Type !== 1 ? i.Stack.ItemIdentifier.replace(' ', chr).toLowerCase() : i.Stack.Sku.Value.replace(' ', chr).toLowerCase()); }; var getOrderCode = function (i) { if (i.Stack === undefined) return '0'; else return (i.Stack.Type === 1 ? i.Stack.Sku.Value.replace(' ', '-').toLowerCase() : i.Stack.ItemIdentifier.replace(' ', '-').toLowerCase()); }; var loadPsSpinner = function ($p) { // Add to cart spinnner deals/category/franchise (.seriesFamilyTablet) candy aisle spinner (.recommendations-container), singleOC (.product-configurator) $siteWrapper.attr('data-state', 'iconSpinner'); if (isMultiOc && !$this.isMobile) { $('#loaderDivImage').eq(0).show(); } } var hidePsSpinner = function ($p) { // Add to cart spinnner category/franchise (#middle-content) deals (.seriesFamilyTablet) candy aisle spinner (.recommendations-container), singleOC (.product-configurator) $siteWrapper.attr('data-state', ''); if (isMultiOc && !$this.isMobile) { $('#loaderDivImage').eq(0).hide(); } } var setupCta = function (t, d) { if (t.length && d) { if (d.IsSelected) t.removeClass('btn-success').addClass('btn-default').html($('[data-scope]').attr('data-remove-label')); else t.removeClass('btn-default').addClass('btn-success').html(addToCartTxt); } } var AddItemToCart = function (t) { var $t = $(t); var idx = $t.attr('data-idx'); if (idx !== null) { var async = $t.attr('data-async') !== undefined ? $t.attr('data-async').toLowerCase() === 'true' : false; var mgIdx = !isRec ? 0 : !SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() ? $('#ProductStackContainer.vuePOC').index($t.closest('#ProductStackContainer')) : mobGetModuleGroupIndex($t); var item = !isRec ? vm[idx] : Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups[mgIdx].Items[idx]; var loc = item.Options.Settings.Location; $document.trigger('bootstrapChk'); // Prevents Add to Cart from proceeding if there // are any Configuration Validation Errors/Incompatibilities // Check if any Configuration selections have been made var selectionStateChanged = ''; if (isSingleOc) { var $sc = angular.element($('[data-scope]')).scope(); if ($sc) { var $root = $sc.$root; //$rootScope.$broadcast('addingToCart'); if (item.ConfigurableItem.HasValidationErrors && item.ConfigurableItem.ValidationMessages && item.ConfigurableItem.ValidationMessages.length > 0) { $root.$broadcast('validationError'); return; } if (typeof $root.selectionStateChanged !== 'undefined' && $root.selectionStateChanged == true) { selectionStateChanged = '&selectionStateChanged=true'; } } } var $parent = $t.closest('#ProductStackContainer'); var psIndex = !(SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() && isRec) ? $('#ProductStackContainer.vuePOC').index($parent) : mobGetModuleGroupIndex($parent); // If ASyncCart Feature Toggle is Enabled // If Is NOT a SNP Item on Candy Aisle if (async && loc !== 8) { // Add spinner until API is complete. loadPsSpinner($parent, psIndex); var baseApiPath = Dell.Services.apiUrl;//a.href; var asyncCartApi = 'addtocart/get?productid='; //add addtocart api with sku if exists otherwise use ordercode var itemIdentifier = getId(item); var stackloc = isRec ? 'rec' : item.Options.StackContext; // Get CartItemId if it exists (Only pages with a configurator) var $loc = Dell.Services.location.search(); var cartItemId = $loc.cartItemId !== undefined ? $loc.cartItemId : ''; var cartId = ''; var selected = isRec && t.hasClass('btn-success'); var isSelected = isRec ? (selected ? '&isSelected=true' : '&isSelected=false') : ''; if (stackloc === 'svc' || stackloc === 'cfg') { cartId = cartItemId; } else if (stackloc === 'rec') { cartId = Dell.Services.DataModel ? Dell.Services.DataModel.CartItemId : ''; } if (cartId !== "") { cartItemId = '&cartItemId=' + cartId; } // Get SelectionState if it exists (Only pages with a configurator) var selectionId = ''; var selectionCode = ''; if (stackloc === 'svc' || stackloc === 'cfg') { selectionCode = Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks[0].ConfigurableItem !== undefined ? Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks[0].ConfigurableItem.SelectionState : ($loc.selectionState !== undefined ? $loc.selectionState : ''); } else if (stackloc === 'rec') { selectionCode = Dell.Services.DataModel ? Dell.Services.DataModel.SelectionCode : ''; } if (selectionCode && selectionCode !== "") { selectionId = '&selectionState=' + selectionCode; } // Get Location (Page) var location = '&location=' + item.Options.Settings.Location; // Build the API Url var apiUrl = baseApiPath + asyncCartApi + itemIdentifier + cartItemId + selectionId + isSelected + location + selectionStateChanged; Dell.Services.httpGetService.getData({ url: apiUrl, success: function (data) { if (loc != 7 && loc != 8 && loc != 13) { $.cookie('return-from-cart', window.location.href, { path: '/' }); } if (data.ShouldRedirect) { DELL.com.GlobalNav.cartCount(); window.location.href = data.RedirectUrl; //scope.$parent.$parent.showSpinner = false; } else { DELL.com.GlobalNav.cartCount(); //scope.$parent.$parent.showSpinner = false; } hidePsSpinner($parent); }, error: function (data) { //console.log('Add to Cart API failed for item identifier: ' + itemIdentifier); // scope.$parent.$parent.showSpinner = false; hidePsSpinner($parent); } }); } else { if (isRec) { $document.trigger('bootstrapChk'); var recommendationsService = angular.element('[data-scope]').injector().get('recommendationsService'), CandyAisleApiService = angular.element('[data-scope]').injector().get('CandyAisleApiService'); if (recommendationsService) recommendationsService.setDataModel(Dell.Services.DataModel); //ensure dataModel is set when recService is called in generating the ApiUrl including selectionState if (item.Stack.ItemIdentifier === Dell.Services.DataModel.Stack.Stack.ItemIdentifier) { loadPsSpinner($parent, psIndex); Dell.Services.httpGetService.postData({ url: recommendationsService.getApiUrl() + recommendationsService.getCartUrl(), data: recommendationsService.getCartItem(), success: function () { hidePsSpinner($parent); window.location.href = item.Stack.Links.AddToCartLink.Url; }, error: function (data) { hidePsSpinner($parent); window.location.href = item.Stack.Links.AddToCartLink.Url; } }); } else if (item.Stack.ItemIdentifier !== Dell.Services.DataModel.Stack.Stack.ItemIdentifier) { loadPsSpinner($parent, psIndex); /*if (scope.$parent.isQuikViewModal) { scope.$parent.$parent.showSpinner = true; var itemStateIndex = scope.getItemIndex(scope.productid); var moduleIndex = scope.moduleIndex; } else {*/ //scope.$parent.$parent.$parent.$parent.showSpinner = true; //var itemStateIndex = ($(window).width() < 768) ? idx : idx; //var moduleIndex = scope.$parent.$parent.$parent.moduleIndex; //} Dell.Services.httpGetService.getData({ url: CandyAisleApiService.candyAisleApiUrl(psIndex, idx), success: function (data) { hidePsSpinner($parent); //preserve itemStates (incorrect values may be returned by api call var iSt = Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups[psIndex].ItemStates; //update correct module group for mobile for (var i = 0; i < data.ModuleGroups.length; i++) { if (Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups[psIndex].Id === data.ModuleGroups[i].Id) Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups[psIndex] = data.ModuleGroups[i]; } Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups[psIndex].ItemStates = iSt; if (typeof Dell.Services.DataModel.Stack !== 'undefined' && data.Stack) Dell.Services.DataModel.Stack = data.Stack; if (!data.CartItemId || data.CartItemId === 'undefined') data.CartItemId = Dell.Services.DataModel.CartItemId; Dell.Services.DataModel.ApiUrl = data.ApiUrl; Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups[psIndex].ItemStates[idx].IsSelected = Dell.Services.location.search(null, null, this.url).isSelected.toLowerCase() === 'true'; data.ModuleGroups = Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups; $document.trigger('candyAddedToCart', [data, idx, psIndex, $t]); }, error: function (data) { hidePsSpinner($parent); /*if (scope.$parent.isQuikViewModal) { scope.$parent.$parent.showSpinner = false; $('#quikview-modal').modal('hide'); }*/ } }); return; } } else { hidePsSpinner($parent); window.location.href = !Dell.Services.DataModel.DeltaConfigureEnabled ? item.Stack.Links.AddToCartLink.Url : Dell.Services.location.search('selectionState', Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks[0].ConfigurableItem.SelectionState, item.Stack.Links.AddToCartLink.Url); } } } }; $document.on('candyAddedToCart', function (e, data, idx, psIndex, $t, pid) { if (data.ModuleGroups[psIndex]) { $document.trigger('bootstrapChk'); if ($t === undefined) $t = $('#candyCarousel-' + data.ModuleGroups[psIndex].Id).find('a.addItemToCartCta[data-idx="' + idx + '"]'); var recommendationsService = angular.element('[data-scope]').injector().get('recommendationsService'); var $root = angular.element($('[data-scope]')).scope().$root; var ConfiguratorService = angular.element('[data-scope]').injector().get('ConfiguratorService'); Dell.Services.DataModel.Stack = data.Stack; ConfiguratorService.setSelectionState(data.SelectionCode, data.CartItemId); ConfiguratorService.setConfiguratorState(data.Stack.ConfiguratorState); //History.replaceState({ SelectionState: data.SelectionCode }, '', Dell.Services.location.search("selectionState", data.SelectionCode)); Dell.Services.DataModel.SelectionCode = data.SelectionCode; $root.AnalyticsConfigurator = data.SelectionCode; data.VueIndex = idx; recommendationsService.setDataModel(data); if (data.ModuleGroups[psIndex]) setupCta($t, data.ModuleGroups[psIndex].ItemStates[idx]); $root.selectionStateChanged = true; $root.$broadcast('candyAddedToCart'); $root.$apply(); DELL.com.GlobalNav.cartCount(); } }); var AddMapPriceSkuToCart = function () { try { $('.mapPricingInfo').attr('rel', 'shop_product_stack_map_price_info_' + (Dell.Services.userContext.get().IsAuthenticated ? 'authenticated' : 'unauthenticated')); $('.addmap-price').on('click', function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('data-authenabled') === 'false') return; if (ResolveWebUrl && ResolveApiUrl) { var cartUrl = ResolveWebUrl("cart"), itemid = $this.attr('data-itemid'), issnp = $this.attr('data-issnp').toLowerCase(), mapauthenticated = $this.attr('data-map').toLowerCase(); var cartItem = (issnp == 1 || issnp == 2) ? { "SnpItemDataList": [{ "SnpProductId": itemid }] } : { "ConfigProductSpecs": [{ "OrderCode": itemid }] }; Dell.Services.httpGetService.postData( { url: ResolveApiUrl("cart/item"), data: JSON.stringify(cartItem), success: function () { var user = Dell.Services.userContext.get(); var hasprofile = (user.IsAuthenticated || user.IsRecognized); if (mapauthenticated !== 'false' && !hasprofile) window.location.href = Dell.Services.DataModel.LoginCartUrl; else window.location.href = cartUrl; }, error: function () { window.location.href = cartUrl; } }); } }); } catch (e) { Dell.Shop.Debug('info', e) } }; $this.initialLoad = true; var bindLinks = function () { if (hasPerfMetrics) Dell.perfmetrics.start('ProductStackLinks-binding'); var vueCt = $('#ProductStackContainer.vuePOC'); vueCt.find('.moreInfoExpander, .hideInfoExpander').off('click.more').on('click.more', function () { $this.toggleMoreHide(this); }); if (SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() && !isSingleOc && !isCompare) { if ($('#accessoryResults').length > 0 && ($('#accessoryResults').attr('data-state') === 'resultsPage' || $('#accessoryResults').attr('data-state') === 'hasSelectedRefinements')) inverseInfoExpander(); else resetInfoExpander(); } var pops = vueCt.find('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover(); pops.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); pops.not(this).popover('hide'); }).on('hidden.bs.popover', function () { $('.popover:not(.in)').css('display', 'none'); }); vueCt.find('[custom-popover-html]').each(function (i, el) { $(el).popover({ trigger: 'focus', html: true, content: el.getAttribute('popover-html'), placement: 'left auto', title: el.getAttribute('popover-title'), container: 'body' }).on('shown.bs.popover', function () { var $this = $('.popover.fade.in'); 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} else { $('#quikview-modal .quikViewCta a').removeClass('btn-default').addClass('btn-success').html(Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups[psIndex].Items[itemIndex].Stack.Links.AddToCartLink.Caption); } }).modal('show'); } }); if (isRec) { $('.dellmetrics-recomaddtocart').each(function () { var metrics = $(this).data('metrics'); metrics.quantity = 1; metrics.module = $(this).closest('.off-canvas-state').attr('id'); $(this).attr('data-metrics', JSON.stringify(metrics)); }); if ($('[data-soldout=true]').length) { $('.addItemToCartCta').hide(); } } AddMapPriceSkuToCart(); if (hasPerfMetrics) Dell.perfmetrics.end('ProductStackLinks-binding'); }; var populateFastDelivery = function (i) { // populateFastDelivery(fastdelivery.ModalTitle.Value, fastdelivery.ModalBody.Value, fastdelivery.ModalReturnButtonLabel.Value, fastdelivery.Continue3RdPartyWebsiteLink.Caption, fastdelivery.Continue3RdPartyWebsiteLink.Url, // metricsClass, doctype, position, variant, '@productid') var fdm = document.getElementById('fast-delivery-modal'); 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(fd.SnpRedirectTo3RdPartyWebsiteLink.Url || '') : ''; $s.fastDeliveryModel.modalTimer = fd.ModalTimer; $s.fastDeliveryModel.fastDeliveryModalEnabled = fd.FastDeliveryModalEnabled; if (typeof fd.FastDeliveryModalEnabled == 'string' || fd.FastDeliveryModalEnabled instanceof String) { $s.fastDeliveryModel.fastDeliveryModalEnabled = fd.FastDeliveryModalEnabled.toLowerCase() === "true" ? true : false; } //Assign the snpRedirectTo3RdPartyWebsiteLinkUrl to continue3RdPartyWebsiteLinkUrl so keep the one variable to redirect if (typeof $s.fastDeliveryModel.snpRedirectTo3RdPartyWebsiteLinkUrl !== 'undefined' && $s.fastDeliveryModel.snpRedirectTo3RdPartyWebsiteLinkUrl !== "" && $s.fastDeliveryModel.snpRedirectTo3RdPartyWebsiteLinkUrl.indexOf('?sku=') !== -1) { $s.fastDeliveryModel.continue3RdPartyWebsiteLinkUrl = $s.fastDeliveryModel.snpRedirectTo3RdPartyWebsiteLinkUrl; } }); } } }; var mobGetModuleGroupIndex = function ($t) { var id = $t.closest('.seriesFamilyTablet').attr('id').replace('-content', ''); for (var i = 0; i < Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups.length; i++) { if (Dell.Services.DataModel.ModuleGroups[i].Id == id) return i; } } $this.vueMixins = function () { vueMixinCalled = true; Vue.mixin({ methods: { rowSet: function (d) { return [this.Stacks]; }, rowCount: function () { return $this.rows; }, getRow: function (i) { if (!isRec) { var max = $this.ipr * i; return this.Stacks.slice((max - $this.ipr), (max < this.Stacks.length ? max : this.Stacks.length)); } else { if (!$this.isMobile) return this.Stacks; else return [this.Stacks[i - 1]]; } }, getIndex: function (i, r) { return (((r - 1) * $this.ipr) + i); }, comparecount: function () { return "(" + amplify.store('productOC:size') + '/3)'; }, isZeroOrNull: function (v) { return (v == null || Number(v.replace(/[^\d]/g, '')) === 0); }, isNullOrEmpty: function (v) { return (typeof v === 'undefined' || v === null || v.length === 0); }, isAny: function (a) { return (typeof a !== 'undefined' && a !== null && a.length > 0); }, isEnterprisePd: function () { return $('#product-details-txn').length > 0; }, isSingleOc: function () { return isSingleOc; }, isPhone: function () { return SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone(); }, checkWin10: function () { return user.Country.toLowerCase() === 'us' && user.Segment.toLowerCase() === 'bsd'; }, isSeg: function (s) { return user.Segment.toLowerCase() === s.toLowerCase(); }, isCtry: function (c) { return user.Country.toLowerCase() === c.toLowerCase(); }, isAuthenticated: function (c) { return !user.IsAuthenticated ? false : user.IsAuthenticated; }, comoCss: function (t) { //check como state return comoCheck(t) ? '' : 'ng-hide'; }, getUrlWithReturnUrl: function (u) { var currentUrl = window.location.href; var urlWithReturnUrl = u.indexOf('') > -1 ? u + currentUrl : u + '&returnurl=' + encodeURIComponent(currentUrl); return urlWithReturnUrl; }, getCurrItemJson: function (i) { return JSON.stringify(i); }, getDataMetricAttr: function (i, p, snp) { var mo = { clickthru: 'products', doctype: (i.Stack.Type === snp ? 'snp' : 'systems'), position: p, variant: (i.Stack.Type !== snp ? i.Stack.ItemIdentifier : i.Stack.Sku.Value) }; return JSON.stringify(mo); }, fillId: function (i, s) { return s.replace(/#id#/g, getId(i)); }, id: function (i, pre, f) { var noSpaces = f !== undefined ? f : true; return (pre || '') + getId(i, f); }, getOrderCode: function (i, s) { return (s || '') + getOrderCode(i); }, soaShowShippingMessaging: function (t, i) { var r = true; if (typeof t != "undefined" && typeof i.Stack.SnpStock.Status != "undefined") { if (t && i.Stack.SnpStock.Status === 6) r = false; } return r; }, soldOutCss: function (i) { return i.Stack.ProductSoldOut && !isSingleOc ? ' sold_out' : ''; }, showMarketingBlurbImageBottom: function (i) { return i.Options.Settings.ShowMarketingBlurb && i.Stack.MarketingBlurb.ShowMarketingBlurb ? " image-cell-bottom" : ""; }, nabiscoColorOverride: function (i) { var isMultiOcAlienwarePage = $("body.alienware-white").length === 1; var applyBorderColor = !i.Stack.ProductSoldOut && (i.Stack.Treatment === 2 && isMultiOcAlienwarePage ? false : true); return applyBorderColor ? ' border-left-color:' + window.nabiscoOverrideColor : ''; }, ctaUrl: function (link) { var linkUrl = link.Url; if (link.IsCustomizeAndBuy) { if (SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone()) { linkUrl += "/configurations"; } else { linkUrl += "?view=configurations"; } } return linkUrl; }, ctaCss: function (i, hasColor) { //dellmetrics-recomaddtocart --> candyAisle //dellmetrics-browseconfig --> single OC var s = 'addItemToCartCta btn text-white col-xs-12 bottom-offset-10 whitespace-normal'; if (isRec) s += ' dellmetrics-recomaddtocart'; if (isSingleOc) s += ' dellmetrics-browseconfig'; if (i && i.Options.Settings.Location == 10) s += ' dellmetrics-addtocart'; s += !hasColor ? ' btn-success' : ' btn-' return s; }, getDataMetricAttrWithprice: function (i, p, snp) { var mo = { clickthru: 'products', doctype: (i.Stack.Type === snp ? 'snp' : 'systems'), position: p, variant: (i.Stack.Type !== snp ? i.Stack.ItemIdentifier : i.Stack.Sku.Value), productid: (i.Stack.Type !== snp ? i.Stack.ItemIdentifier : i.Stack.Sku.Value), price: i.Stack.Pricing.DellPrice.InnerValue, option: (i.Stack.Sku != 'undefined' ? i.Stack.Sku.Value : "") }; return JSON.stringify(mo); }, buttonColour: function (i) { switch (i) { case 0: return 'success'; case 1: return 'primary'; default: return 'default'; } }, reviewSummaryUrl: function (errors) { if ((!errors || !Dell.Controllers.vueConfig.errorHasMod(errors)) && Dell.Services.DataModel.ReviewSummaryLink) return Dell.Services.location.search('selectionState', Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks[0].ConfigurableItem.SelectionState, Dell.Services.DataModel.ReviewSummaryLink.Url); else return '#'; }, hasValidationErrors: function (errors) { return !errors ? false : errors.length > 0; }, getVariant: function (item) { var productVariant = parseInt(item.Stack.Type) !== 0 ? item.Stack.ItemIdentifier : item.Stack.ProductCode.Value; return productVariant; } } }); }; function inverseInfoExpander() { $('.moreInfoExpander').hide(); $('.hideInfoExpander').hide(); $('div[class*="hide-ps-details"]').show(); } function resetInfoExpander() { $('.moreInfoExpander').show(); $('.hideInfoExpander').hide(); $('div[class*="hide-ps-details"]').hide(); } $this.init = function () { vm = Dell.Services.DataModel ? 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e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-count') : e.currentTarget.childElementCount; var id = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-id'); $this.moveCandyCarouselRight(id, lastItem); $this.loadImage(); }; $this.swippingRight = function (e) { var lastItem = e.currentTarget.childElementCount === 0 ? e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-count') : e.currentTarget.childElementCount; var id = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-id'); $this.moveCandyCarouselLeft(id, lastItem); $this.loadImage(); }; $this.moveCandyCarouselRight = function (id, last) { var $candyCarousel = $('.ts-' + id); var $scrollbar = $('.ts-' + id + ' .compare-scrolling-nav'); $candyCarousel.animate({ scrollLeft: $candyCarousel.scrollLeft() + $candyCarousel.width() }, 500); $scrollbar.animate({ scrollLeft: $scrollbar.scrollLeft() + $scrollbar.width() }, 500); $('.ca-prev-' + id).prop('disabled', false); if (($candyCarousel.width() * 2 + $candyCarousel.scrollLeft()) >= $candyCarousel[0].scrollWidth) { $('.ca-next-' + id).prop('disabled', true); var firstItem = $('.device-sm').is(':visible') ? parseInt(last) - 2 : parseInt(last) - 3; $('.last-visible-item-' + id).html(last); $('.first-visible-item-' + id).html(firstItem); } else { $this.determinePosition(id, last); } }; $this.moveCandyCarouselLeft = function (id, last) { var $candyCarousel = $('.ts-' + id); var $scrollbar = $('.ts-' + id + ' .compare-scrolling-nav'); $candyCarousel.animate({ scrollLeft: $candyCarousel.scrollLeft() - $candyCarousel.width() }, 500); $scrollbar.animate({ scrollLeft: $scrollbar.scrollLeft() - $scrollbar.width() }, 500); $('.ca-next-' + id).prop('disabled', false); if (($candyCarousel.scrollLeft() - $candyCarousel.width()) <= 0) { //return to initial state $('.ca-prev-' + id).prop('disabled', true); $('.first-visible-item-' + id).html(1); $('.last-visible-item-' + id).html($('.device-sm').is(':visible') ? 3 : 4); } else { $this.determinePosition(id, last); } }; $this.loadImage = function() { //lazy load images when position realigned due to scroll, swipe etc setTimeout(function() { $('img.lazy').lazyload(); },600); }; $this.determinePosition = function (id, count) { var $candyCarousel = $('.ts-' + id); var offset = Math.abs($candyCarousel.scrollLeft() - $candyCarousel.width()); var hiddenColumns = offset === $candyCarousel.width() ? 0 : Math.round(offset / $candyCarousel.width()); var first = hiddenColumns + 1; var last = $('.device-sm').is(':visible') ? first + 2 : first + 3; last = last > count ? count : last; //(first === 1) ? $('.ca-prev-' + id).prop('disabled', true) : $('.ca-prev-' + id).prop('disabled', false); //(last === count) ? $('.ca-next-' + id).prop('disabled', true) : $('.ca-next-' + id).prop('disabled', false); $('.first-visible-item-' + id).html(first); $('.last-visible-item-' + id).html(last); }; $this.syncToAmplify = function () { if (window.location.search === "" || window.location.search === "?ocs=") { if (amplify.store('productOC:size') > 0) { $this.loadAmplifyOrderCodes(); } } else { if (vm.length === 0 && window.location.search.indexOf('ocs=') >= 0) { var queryString = window.location.search; var splitQueryString = queryString.split('?ocs='); var orderCodes = splitQueryString[1].split(','); var ocs = amplify.store('productOC'); if (typeof ocs !== 'undefined' && ocs != null) { $.each(ocs, function(id) { var remove = false; $.each(orderCodes, function(ocs) { if (id === ocs) { remove = true; } }); if (remove) { SHOP.Transactional.Compare.removeProduct(id, "ups"); } }); } if (amplify.store('productOC:size') > 0) { $this.loadAmplifyOrderCodes(); } } else if (vm.length > 0) { var ocs = amplify.store('productOC'); if (typeof ocs !== 'undefined' && ocs != null) { $.each(ocs, function(id) { var remove = true; $.each(vm, function(i, categories) { $.each(categories.Containers, function(ix, stacks) { var compareIdentifier = stacks.Stack.Type !== 2 ? stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier : stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; if (id === compareIdentifier) { remove = false; } }); }); if (remove) { SHOP.Transactional.Compare.removeProduct(id, "ups"); } }); } } var ocquerystring = Dell.Services.location.search().ocs.split(','), storedOcs = amplify.store('productOC'), storedOcsLength = amplify.store('productOC:size'), queryStringIds = '', separator = ''; if (ocquerystring.length !== storedOcsLength) { $.each(ocquerystring, function (i, oc) { if (storedOcs !== undefined && storedOcs[oc]) { queryStringIds += separator + oc; if(i < ocquerystring.length) separator = ','; } }); var uri = Dell.Services.location.search('ocs', queryStringIds); History.replaceState({ cmpstacks: queryStringIds }, document.title, uri); //$this.updateCmpStacks($this.getOCStacks(queryStringIds, true));// remove ocs from url that are not in amplify } } }; $this.loadAmplifyOrderCodes = function () { var amplifyOrderCodes = [], ids = ""; var ocs = amplify.store('productOC'); if (typeof ocs !== 'undefined' && ocs != null) { $.each(ocs, function(oc) { amplifyOrderCodes.push(oc); }); } for (var i = 0; i < amplifyOrderCodes.length; i++) { ids += (i === 0) ? amplifyOrderCodes[i] : "," + amplifyOrderCodes[i]; } History.replaceState({ cmpstacks: ids }, document.title, ("?ocs=" + ids)); //window.location.href = location.pathname + returnUrl; }; $this.addOCStacks = function (ocs) { var ocArray = ocs.split(','), addProdObj = {}; $.each(ocArray, function (i, oc) { $.each(om, function (k, categories) { $.each(categories.Containers, function (ix, stacks) { var localId = stacks.Stack.Type !== 2 ? stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier : stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; if (!amplify.store(localId)) { // add products to amplify with history state changes addProdObj.productId = localId; addProdObj.title = stacks.Stack.Title.Value; addProdObj.image = stacks.Stack.ProductImage.Value; addProdObj.showMarketPrice = stacks.Stack.Pricing.MarketValue.Value; addProdObj.dellPrice = stacks.Stack.Pricing.DellPrice.Value; addProdObj.pdUrl = stacks.Stack.Links.ViewDetailsLink.Value + '?ref=fromchatdrawer'; addProdObj.showclicktoseeprice = stacks.Stack.Pricing.ShowClickToSeePrice; addProdObj.showPricingTooltip = stacks.Stack.Pricing.ShowPricingTooltip; addProdObj.pricingTooltipTitle = stacks.Stack.Pricing.PricingTooltipTitle.Value; addProdObj.pricingTooltipDescription = stacks.Stack.Pricing.PricingTooltipDescription.Value; amplify.store(localId, addProdObj); SHOP.Transactional.Compare.persistProduct(localId); } }); }); }); }; $this.getOCStacks = function (ocs,removeoc) { var ocArray = ocs.split(','), tempStacks = [], merchStack = {}; $.each(ocArray, function (i, oc) { $.each(om[$this.groupIndex].Containers,function(ix, stacks) { var localId = stacks.Stack.Type !== 2 ? stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier : stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; if (localId === oc) { tempStacks.push(stacks); } else if ($.isEmptyObject(merchStack) && stacks.IsMerchandisingContainer) { merchStack = stacks; } }); }); if (!$.isEmptyObject(merchStack)) tempStacks.push(merchStack); // push merch last return [tempStacks]; }; $this.removeOrderCode = function ($event, id) { var closeX = $event.target; var catId = $this.groupId = $(closeX).closest('div[data-id]').attr('data-id'); var catIndex = $this.groupIndex = parseInt($(closeX).closest('div[data-group]').attr('data-group')); //remove from amplify storage SHOP.Transactional.Compare.removeProduct(id, "ups"); //remove from DataModel.Stacks and rebind UI var tempStacks = []; var tempStackCount = []; var queryStringIds = ""; var stackCount = 0; var productsInCompare = ""; $.each(vm[catIndex].Containers, function (ix,stacks) { var localId = stacks.Stack.Type !== 2 ? stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier : stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; if (localId !== id) { tempStacks.push(stacks); } if (localId !== id && localId !== "") { tempStackCount.push(stacks); } }); $.each(vm, function (i,categories) { if (i === 0) { $.each(categories.Containers, function (ix, stacks) { var localId = stacks.Stack.Type !== 2 ? stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier : stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; // This statement is needed to prevent the "Merchandizing Tile" from being added to the URL. The Merchandizing tile has no ItemIdentifier. if (localId !== id && localId !== "") { queryStringIds += (stackCount === 0) ? localId : "," + localId; if (stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value == "") { productsInCompare += (stackCount === 0) ? stacks.Stack.Sku.Value : "|" + stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; } else { productsInCompare += (stackCount === 0) ? stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value : "|" + stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value; } stackCount++; } }); } else { $.each(categories.Containers, function (ix,stacks) { var localId = stacks.Stack.Type !== 2 ? stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier : stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; // This statement is needed to prevent the "Merchandizing Tile" from being added to the URL. The Merchandizing tile has no ItemIdentifier. if (localId !== id && localId !== "") { queryStringIds += (queryStringIds) ? "," + localId : localId; if (stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value == "") { productsInCompare += (stackCount === 0) ? stacks.Stack.Sku.Value : "|" + stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; } else { productsInCompare += (stackCount === 0) ? stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value : "|" + stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value; } stackCount++; } }); } }); // Update Conversant if (typeof MasterTmsUdo !== 'undefined') { MasterTmsUdo.CJ.PRODUCT = productsInCompare; MasterTmsUdo.CJ.ORDERCODE = queryStringIds.replace(/,/g, '|'); } // Update URL Query String var uri = Dell.Services.location.search('ocs', queryStringIds); History.replaceState({ cmpstacks: queryStringIds, removeoc: true }, document.title, uri); //$this.updateCmpStacks([tempStacks]); //var jumpCat = 'a[href="#category-' + catId + '"] span.category-group-count'; //var headerCat = 'div#category-' + catId + ' .category-header-group-count'; //$(jumpCat).html(tempStackCount.length); //$(headerCat).html(tempStackCount.length); if (tempStacks.length === 1) { var compareControls = 'div#category-' + catId; var compareCarousel = 'div#carousel-' + catId; var jumpTitle = 'span#nav-' + catId; $(compareControls).hide(); $(compareCarousel).hide(); $(jumpTitle).hide(); } if (stackCount === 0) { $('.category-navigation').addClass('hidden'); $('#no-products').show(); } }; $this.updateCmpStacks = function (d) { var tempStackCount = [], noprodshow = true, catIndex = $this.groupIndex; $.each(d[0], function (ix, stacks) { var localId = stacks.Stack.Type !== 2 ? stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier : stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; if (localId !== "") { tempStackCount.push(stacks); } }); var compareControls = '#category-'+$this.groupId; var compareCarousel = '#carousel-'+$this.groupId; var jumpTitle = '#nav-' + $this.groupId; if (catIndex >= 0) { vm[catIndex].Containers = d[0]; } $.each(vm, function (k, categories) { if (categories.Containers.length > 1) noprodshow = false; }); if (!noprodshow) { $('#no-products').hide(); $(compareControls).find('.category-header-group-count').html(tempStackCount.length); $('a[href="#category-' + $this.groupId + '"] span.category-group-count').html(tempStackCount.length); $(compareCarousel).find('.slick-arrow').attr('data-count', tempStackCount.length); $(compareControls).show(); $(compareCarousel).show(); $(jumpTitle).show(); } else if ($scope.length > 0 && noprodshow) { $('#no-products').show(); $(compareControls).hide(); $(compareCarousel).hide(); $(jumpTitle).hide(); } $document.trigger('updateCompare', d); }; var updateCompareBtn = function () { $('.compare-checkbox input').prop('checked', false).val(false); var ocs = amplify.store('productOC'); if (typeof ocs !== 'undefined' && ocs != null) { $.each(ocs, function (oc) { var lwrOc = oc.split(' ').join('-').toLowerCase(); $('span.add-to-compare-' + lwrOc).addClass('hidden'); //updateCompareCount($('a.addToCompare-' + oc).removeClass('hidden')); $('a.addToCompare-' + lwrOc).removeClass('hidden'); var $chk = $('.checkbox-' + lwrOc); if (typeof $chk !== 'undefined' && $chk.length > 0) $('.checkbox-' + lwrOc)[0].checked = true; }); } }; var toggleCheckMark = function (e) { var $elem = $(this); var productId = $elem.attr('class').indexOf('-') > -1 ? $elem.attr('class').split('-').slice(1).join('-') : $elem.attr('class'); //we have symbol "-" in order code var product = Dell.Controllers.productstack.getProduct({ id: productId, noSpaces: true }); var compareObj = new Object(); compareObj.productId = product.Stack.Type !== 2 ? product.Stack.ItemIdentifier : product.Stack.Sku.Value; compareObj.title = product.Stack.Title.Value; compareObj.image = product.Stack.ProductImage.Value; compareObj.showMarketPrice = product.Stack.Pricing.ShowMarketPrice; compareObj.marketPrice = product.Stack.Pricing.MarketValue.Value; compareObj.dellPrice = product.Stack.Pricing.DellPrice.Value; compareObj.pdUrl = product.Stack.Links.ViewDetailsLink.Value + '?ref=fromchatdrawer'; compareObj.showclicktoseeprice = product.Stack.Pricing.ShowClickToSeePrice; compareObj.snpStockStatus = product.Stack.SnpStock.Status; compareObj.showPricingTooltip = product.Stack.Pricing.ShowPricingTooltip; compareObj.pricingTooltipTitle = product.Stack.Pricing.PricingTooltipTitle.Value; compareObj.pricingTooltipDescription = product.Stack.Pricing.PricingTooltipDescription.Value; //var productIdCssClass = productId.split(' ').join('.');//split and join added to handle when have space in the OC. if (this.checked) { amplify.store(compareObj.productId, compareObj); SHOP.Transactional.Compare.persistProduct(compareObj.productId); if (!SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() && amplify.store('productOC:size') > 1) SHOP.Transactional.CompareDrawer.openDrawer(); //Display Compare CTA $('span.add-to-compare-' + productId).addClass('hidden'); $('a.addToCompare-' + productId).removeClass('hidden'); } else { amplify.store(compareObj.productId, null); SHOP.Transactional.Compare.removeProduct(compareObj.productId); //Remove Compare CTA $('a.addToCompare-' + productId).addClass('hidden'); $('span.add-to-compare-' + productId).removeClass('hidden'); } }; var goToCompare = function (e, t) { var orderCodeUrl = Dell.Services.productstack.goToCompare(); var compareUrl = $(t).attr('data-href'); compareUrl = (compareUrl) ? compareUrl : $('#compare-drawer .compare-btn a').attr('href'); window.location.href = compareUrl + orderCodeUrl; }; $this.initCompareBtn = function() { if (typeof $stackScope !== 'undefined' && $stackScope.length > 0) { $document.off('click.compare', '.compare-checkbox input').on('click.compare', '.compare-checkbox input', toggleCheckMark); $document.off('click.compare', '.compare-checkbox a.btn, .goToCompare').on('click.compare', '.compare-checkbox a.btn, .goToCompare', function (e) { goToCompare(e, this) }); $document.on('updateProductStacks', updateCompareBtn); updateCompareBtn(); } }; $this.init = function () { vm = Dell.Services.DataModel ? Dell.Services.DataModel.CompareCategories || [] : []; $this.initCompareBtn(); if ($scope.length > 0) { $this.psCount = -1; var queryStringIds = ""; var categoryIds = ""; var productVariants = ""; var tempStacks = []; $.each(vm, function (ix, categories) { if (ix === 0) { categoryIds += categories.Id; $.each(categories.Containers, function (i, stacks) { // This statement is needed to prevent the "Merchandizing Tile" from being added to the URL. The Merchandizing tile has no ItemIdentifier. if (stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier != "") { if (stacks.Stack.Type == 2) { queryStringIds += (i === 0) ? stacks.Stack.Sku.Value : "," + stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; } else { queryStringIds += (i === 0) ? stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier : "," + stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier; } if (stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value == "") { productVariants += (i === 0) ? stacks.Stack.Sku.Value : ";" + stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; } else { productVariants += (i === 0) ? stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value : ";" + stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value; } } }); } else { categoryIds += ';' + categories.Id; $.each(categories.Containers, function (i,stacks) { // This statement is needed to prevent the "Merchandizing Tile" from being added to the URL. The Merchandizing tile has no ItemIdentifier. if (stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier != "") { if (stacks.Stack.Type == 2) { queryStringIds += "," + stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; } else { queryStringIds += "," + stacks.Stack.ItemIdentifier; } if (stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value == "") { productVariants += ";" + stacks.Stack.Sku.Value; } else { productVariants += ";" + stacks.Stack.ProductCode.Value; } } }); } $this.psCount++; }); tempStacks = om = vm; Dell.Metrics.sc.productid = queryStringIds.replace(/\,/g, ';'); Dell.Metrics.sc.categoryid = categoryIds; Dell.Metrics.sc.productvariant = productVariants; if (!amplify.store('productOC:size') || queryStringIds.split(',').length != amplify.store('productOC:size')) { $this.addOCStacks(queryStringIds); } var uri = Dell.Services.location.search('ocs', queryStringIds); History.replaceState({ cmpstacks: queryStringIds }, document.title, uri); History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', function (e) { var state = History.getState(); if (typeof state.data.cmpstacks !== 'undefined' && (state.data.removeoc || state.data.cmpstacks !== Dell.Services.location.search().ocs)) { $this.updateCmpStacks($this.getOCStacks(state.data.cmpstacks,state.data.removeoc)); } }); //do not call syncToAmplfiy before slick slider is initialized on compare drawer slider $('.compare-product-slider').one('init', function () { $this.syncToAmplify(); }); } }; $this.initCompareBtn(); if (Dell.Services.DataModel !== undefined) { $this.init(); } else { $document.one('Dell.Services.DataModel', $this.init); } }).call(Dell.Controllers.comparectrl); })(jQuery, window, document);; var Dell = Dell || {}; Dell.Controllers = Dell.Controllers || {}; Dell.Controllers.financeCalculator = {}; (function ($, window, document) { (function () { 'use strict'; var defaultRate = "24.99", key = 'financeCalculator', defaultAdditionalPayment = "50.0", $document = $(document), fullDateString = new Date(), $siteWrapper = $('#site-wrapper'), $scope = {}, $dfsModal = $('#dfs-modal'), minimumPayment = "0.0", dfsRequestUrl = '{0}financeschedule/getCalculator?financedPrice={1}'; var showPsSpinner = function (show) { // Load spinnner deals/category/franchise (.seriesFamilyTablet) candy aisle spinner (.recommendations-container), singleOC (.product-configurator) $siteWrapper.attr('data-state', show ? 'iconSpinner' : ''); $('#loaderDivImage').eq(0).toggle(show); } function calculateNewFieldValues() { getAdditionalDD(); getSubTotal(); getMinimumValues(); getAdditionalValues(); } function getAdditionalDD() { $scope.dfsModel.dropDownOptions = []; if (typeof $scope.dfsModel.Content !== 'undefined') { $.each($scope.dfsModel.Content.AdditionalPaymentOptions, function (index) { var option = $scope.dfsModel.Content.AdditionalPaymentOptions[index]; $scope.dfsModel.dropDownOptions.push({ Label: option.DisplayText, Key: option.Value }); }); } } function getSubTotal() { if (typeof $scope.dfsModel.FinancedAmountDisplay !== 'undefined') { var subtotal = $scope.dfsModel.FinancedAmountDisplay.split('$'); $scope.dfsModel.subTotalString = subtotal[1]; } } function getMinimumValues() { getMinimumPaymentValues(defaultRate); } function getAdditionalValues() { getAdditionalPaymentValues(defaultAdditionalPayment, defaultRate); } function updateAdditionalPayments(percentage) { var amount = $('#financingCalculatorTermOptions').val().toString() + ".0"; //selectedTermIndex = $('#financingCalculatorTermOptions option:selected').index(); getAdditionalPaymentValues(amount, percentage); } function updatePayments(percentage) { if (typeof percentage == 'undefined') { percentage = $("#shopCalculator")[0].value; } getMinimumPaymentValues(percentage); updateAdditionalPayments(percentage); } function getMinimumPaymentValues(percentage) { if (typeof $scope.dfsModel.Schedule !== 'undefined') { var rewardsString = $scope.dfsModel.Content.ChartRewardsFormat; $scope.dfsModel.minimumMonthlyPayment = $scope.dfsModel.Schedule[minimumPayment][percentage].FormattedMinimumPayment; $scope.dfsModel.minimumPayoffTerm = $scope.dfsModel.Schedule[minimumPayment][percentage].PayoffTerm; $scope.dfsModel.minimumTotalInterest = $scope.dfsModel.Schedule[minimumPayment][percentage].FormattedFinalAmount; $scope.dfsModel.minimumRewards = rewardsString.format($scope.dfsModel.Schedule[minimumPayment][percentage].Rewards); } } function getAdditionalPaymentValues(amount, percentage) { if (typeof $scope.dfsModel.Schedule !== 'undefined') { var rewardsString = $scope.dfsModel.Content.ChartRewardsFormat; $scope.dfsModel.additionalMonthlyPayment = $scope.dfsModel.Schedule[amount][percentage].FormattedMinimumPayment; $scope.dfsModel.additionalPayoffTerm = $scope.dfsModel.Schedule[amount][percentage].PayoffTerm; $scope.dfsModel.additionalTotalInterest = $scope.dfsModel.Schedule[amount][percentage].FormattedFinalAmount; $scope.dfsModel.additionalRewards = rewardsString.format($scope.dfsModel.Schedule[amount][percentage].Rewards); } } function waitForFinalEvent() { var b = {}; return function (c, d, a) { b[a] && clearTimeout(b[a]); b[a] = setTimeout(c, d); }; } function initVueTemplate() { //initialize the vue inline template with the current $scope.dfsModel $dfsModal.removeClass('v-hide'); Dell.Controllers.vue.newComponent([ { name: 'dfsmodal', co: { template: $('dfsModal')[0], props: { dfsmodel: Object }, methods: { estimatePayments: function (event) { updatePayments(); }, getRedirectUrl: function (url) { var returnUrl = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href); var newUrl = (url.indexOf("returnurl=") > -1) ? url + returnUrl : url.replace("returnurl%3d", "returnurl%3d" + encodeURIComponent(returnUrl)); window.location.href = newUrl; } } }, register: true } ]); Dell.Controllers.vue.register(key, $dfsModal[0], $scope); }; $document.on('financeCalculatorModalUpdate', function () { $scope.dfsModel.showLoading = false; showPsSpinner(true); $("#shopCalculator").slider('refresh'); if (!Dell.Controllers.vue.isDefined(key)) initVueTemplate(); else Dell.Controllers.vue.setVMData(key, 'dfsModel', $scope.dfsModel); Vue.nextTick(function () { showPsSpinner(false); setHeight(); $('#financingCalculatorTermOptions option').eq(2).prop('selected', true); $("#shopCalculator").slider({ formatter: function (value) { return value + '%'; }, tooltip: 'always', precision: 2 }); }); }); function bindDfsEvents() { $dfsModal = $('#dfs-modal'); if ($dfsModal.length) $document.off('click.dfsModal').on('click.dfsModal', 'a.dfsCalc', function () { loadDFSContent($(this)); }); $('#ProductStackContainer.vuePOC .installment-loan-tooltip').each(function (i, el) { var $el = $(this); var pid = $el.attr('data-id').replace('dpa-', ''); if (pid !== null && pid !== "") { var item = Dell.Controllers.productstack.getProduct({ id: pid }) if (item) { $el.popover({ content: item.Stack.FinanceMarketing.LoanPopupBody.Value, title: item.Stack.FinanceMarketing.LoanPopupTitle.Value + "", container: 'body', html: true, trigger: 'focus', placement: 'auto right' }).on('hidden.bs.popover', function () { $('#' + pid).closest('.popover').remove(); }).on('show.bs.popover', function () { var id = $('.popover').find('a.close').attr('id'); $('a.installment-loan-tooltip.' + id).popover('toggle'); }).on('shown.bs.popover', function () { if ($('.recommendations-price-stack-finance-section').length > 1 || $('.warranty-services-selections-container').length == 1) { var $this = $('.popover'); $this.addClass("finance-popover-zindex"); if ($this.css("top").indexOf("-") > -1) { $this.css("top", "10px"); } } }); } } }); }; function loadDFSContent($e) { var dfsInputEle; if ($('.dfs-input-value').length > 0) { dfsInputEle = $('.dfs-input-value').get(0); } var apiUrl = serverUrls.apiServiceUrl || '/csbapi/' + Dell.Metrics.sc.language + '-' + Dell.Metrics.sc.country + '/'; var itemPrice = $e.attr('data-price'); var dfsInputVal = typeof dfsInputEle == "undefined" ? itemPrice : $(dfsInputEle).data('dfs-input'); $.ajax(dfsRequestUrl.format(apiUrl, dfsInputVal)).success(function (data) { $('#dfs-modal').removeData('bs.modal'); $scope.dfsModel = data; $scope.dfsModel.isDFSContentLoaded = true; $scope.dfsModel.isDFSError = false; calculateNewFieldValues(); $document.trigger('financeCalculatorModalUpdate', $scope.dfsModel); }).error(function (e) { $scope.dfsModel.isDFSContentLoaded = false; $scope.dfsModel.isDFSError = true; $scope.dfsModel.ErrorMessage = e.Message; $document.trigger('financeCalculatorModalUpdate', $scope.dfsModel); }); }; function setHeight() { var height = $(window).innerHeight() * .8; $('#dfs-modal').css('max-height', height); } $document .on('newResultsReceived newStacksReceived', function () { Vue.nextTick(bindDfsEvents); }) .on('click', '#dfs-modal button.close', function () { //$scope.dfsModel.showLoading = true; $('#dfs-modal').hide(); $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); $('body').removeClass('modal-open'); }) .ready(bindDfsEvents); }).call(Dell.Controllers.financeCalculator); })(jQuery, window, document);; (function ($) { if ($('.responsive-table').length > 0) { var waitForFinalEvent = function() { var b = {}; return function(c, d, a) { b[a] && clearTimeout(b[a]); b[a] = setTimeout(c, d); }; }(); var fullDateString = new Date(); var getScrollbarWidth = function() { var scrollbarWidth = 0; if (!scrollbarWidth) { if (/msie/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) { var $textarea1 = $('') .css({ position: 'absolute', top: -1000, left: -1000 }).appendTo('body'), $textarea2 = $('') .css({ position: 'absolute', top: -1000, left: -1000 }).appendTo('body'); scrollbarWidth = $textarea1.width() - $textarea2.width() + 2; // + 2 for border offset $textarea1.add($textarea2).remove(); } else { var $div = $('
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"/deals/" : "/"; }; $this.hasSubCategory = function(categoryUrl) { var split = categoryUrl.replace('/', "").split('/'); return (split.length == 3); }; $this.hasDeals = function(categoryUrl) { var split = categoryUrl.replace('/', "").split('/'); return (split.length == 2); }; $this.setUDOFamily = function() { if (typeof MasterTmsUdo !== 'undefined' && $this.hasSubCategory($location.path())) { MasterTmsUdo.CJ.FAMILY = $location.path().replace('/', "").split('/')[2]; } else if (typeof MasterTmsUdo !== 'undefined') { MasterTmsUdo.CJ.FAMILY = ""; } }; $this.setUDOFamilyEmpty = function() { MasterTmsUdo.CJ.FAMILY = ""; }; $this.setUDODealId = function() { if (typeof MasterTmsUdo !== 'undefined' && $this.hasDeals($location.path())) { MasterTmsUdo.CJ.DEALS = $location.path().replace('/', "").split('/')[1]; } }; $this.getCategoryUrl = function (baseUrl, categoryUrl) { var locationUrl = window.location.pathname.replace(baseUrl, "/"); if (locationUrl === categoryUrl) return categoryUrl; var splitLocationUrl = locationUrl.replace('/', "").split('/'); var splitCategoryUrl = categoryUrl.replace('/', "").split('/'); if (splitLocationUrl != null && splitLocationUrl.length > 0 && splitCategoryUrl != null && splitCategoryUrl.length > 0 && categoryUrl.indexOf($this.categoryPathPrefix) != -1) { splitCategoryUrl[0] = splitLocationUrl[0]; return splitCategoryUrl.join('/'); } else if (splitLocationUrl != null && splitLocationUrl.length > 3) { if (splitCategoryUrl != null && splitCategoryUrl.length > 2 && splitLocationUrl[3] !== splitCategoryUrl[2]) { splitLocationUrl.pop(); } } return splitLocationUrl.join('/'); }; Dell.Services.TilesCategoryService = TilesCategoryService; })();; (function(window) { 'use strict'; var Dell = window.Dell || {}; Dell.Services = Dell.Services || {}; var TilesApiService = {}, $this = TilesApiService; $this.productSeriesApiUrl = function (apiUrl, locationPath) { return '{0}productseries{1}'.format(apiUrl, locationPath); }; $this.dealsResultsApiUrl = function (apiUrl) { var dealsPath = $location.path().replace("/deals/", ""); var sortBy = Dell.Controllers.sortOptions ? Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() : ''; var pageNum = AnavResultsService.getPageNum(); return '{0}category/deals/{1}?sortby={2}&page={3}'.format(apiUrl, dealsPath, sortBy, pageNum); }; $this.dieCutApiUrl = Dell.Controllers.diecut.dieCutApiUrl; Dell.Services.TilesApiService = TilesApiService; })(window);; var Dell = window.Dell || {}; Dell.Services = Dell.Services || {} Dell.Services.AnavResultsService = {}; (function ($, window, doc) { (function () { 'use strict'; var $this = this, $location = Dell.Services.location, $scope = $('[data-scope]'), $productStacks = document.getElementById('ProductStackContainer'), apiUrl = Dell.Services.apiUrl, req = null, TilesCategoryService = Dell.Services.TilesCategoryService, aborted = false, parentCategoryId = $scope.attr('data-parent-category-id'), isMerchandizingCategory = $scope.attr('data-merchandize-category'), rootCategory = $scope.attr('data-category-id'), isDealsCategory = Dell.Metrics.sc.wacontroller === "deals"; $this.skipRefiner = false; $this.init = function () { Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel = Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel || Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterModel; $(document).on('anavFilterWithoutRefiners', function (e) { $this.skipRefiner = true; $this.getAnavResults(e); }); $(document).on('anavFilter', function (e) { $this.skipRefiner = false; $this.getAnavResults(e); }); $(document).on('anavPagination', function (e) { $this.getMoreAnavResults(); }); $(document).on('updateAnavResultsCount', function (e) { if (isDealsCategory && Dell.Services.AnavResultsService.getAppliedRefinements().length <= 0) { $(document).trigger('dealsSortResults'); } else { $this.updateAnavResultsCount(); } }); }; var handleError = function () { if (!aborted) $scope.attr('data-state', 'anavError'); else aborted = false; }; $this.cancelRequest = function () { aborted = (req != null && req.readyState < 4); if (aborted) req.abort(); }; $this.getAnavResults = function (e) { rootCategory = $scope.attr('data-category-id') || rootCategory; Dell.Controllers.filters.pageNum = 1; var hasFilters = Dell.Controllers.filters.hasSelectedFilters(); var resultsPage = $('[data-state=resultsPage]').length; var directLoad = (e.type === 'anavFilter' || e.type === 'click' || e.type === 'readystatechange' || !resultsPage) ? false : true; var url = isMerchandizingCategory ? snpResultsApiUrl(rootCategory, parentCategoryId, isMerchandizingCategory) : systemResultsApiUrl(rootCategory); if (url != null && !directLoad) { $this.cancelRequest(); if ($this.isDealsCategory) { $scope.attr('data-state', 'getDealsResults'); $('[data-off-canvas="content"]').attr('data-state', 'getDealsResults'); } else $scope.attr('data-state', 'getAnavResults'); $(document).trigger('bootstrapChk'); req = Dell.Services.httpGetService.getData(url) .success(function (data) { var isVue = $('#ProductStackContainer.vuePOC').length !== 0; if (!isVue) { var $stackScope = angular.element($productStacks).scope(); $stackScope.$apply(function () { $this.mapAnavResultsData(data, $stackScope); }); } else { $(document).triggerHandler('newResultsReceived', [(data.Results ? data.Results : data), false]); $(document).trigger('newFilterData', [data]); if (isDealsCategory) { $(document).trigger('newDealsAnavData', [data]); } } if (resultsPage && !hasFilters) { Dell.Controllers.filters.updateRefiners(data.Filters.Refiners); } }).error(handleError); } }; $this.mapAnavResultsData = function (data, sc, concat) { sc.$parent = sc.$parent || {}; sc.DataModel = sc.$parent.DataModel = sc.DataModel || {}; if (!concat) sc.modelStacks = sc.$parent.DataModel.Stacks = sc.DataModel.Stacks = data.Results.Stacks; else sc.modelStacks = sc.$parent.DataModel.Stacks = sc.DataModel.Stacks = (angular.isDefined(sc.DataModel.Stacks) ? sc.DataModel.Stacks.concat(data.Results.Stacks) : data.Results.Stacks); // Need Stacks in Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks for Compare functionality Dell.Services.DataModel.Stacks = sc.modelStacks; sc.$broadcast('newResultsReceived'); $(document).trigger('newFilterData', [data]); }; //Pagination load more results $this.getMoreAnavResults = function () { rootCategory = $scope.attr('data-category-id') || rootCategory; $scope.attr('data-state', 'getMoreAnavResults'); var url = isMerchandizingCategory ? snpResultsApiUrl(rootCategory, parentCategoryId, isMerchandizingCategory) : systemResultsApiUrl(rootCategory); Dell.Services.httpGetService.getData(url) .success(function (data) { var isVue = $('#ProductStackContainer.vuePOC').length !== 0; if (!isVue) { var $stackScope = angular.element($productStacks).scope(); $stackScope.$apply(function () { $this.mapAnavResultsData(data, $stackScope, true); }); } else { $(document).triggerHandler('newResultsReceived', [(data.Results ? data.Results : data), true]); $(document).trigger('newFilterData', [data]); } Dell.Controllers.filters.setCommonVisualStateAfterAjaxRequest(); }).error(handleError); }; $this.setSortBy = function () { }; //Gets filters results count to display in XS breakpoint before applying filter $this.updateAnavResultsCount = function () { rootCategory = $scope.attr('data-category-id') || rootCategory; $('#anavFilterResultsCount').hide(); $('.showResultsCountSpinner').show(); Dell.Services.httpGetService.getData(isDealsCategory ? $this.getDealsApiUrl() : anavResultsCountApiUrl(rootCategory)).success(function (data) { $(document).trigger('newResultCountData', [data]); $('#anavFilterResultsCount').show(); $('.showResultsCountSpinner').hide(); }).error(function () { $('#anavFilterResultsCount').show(); $('.showResultsCountSpinner').hide(); }); }; var systemResultsApiUrl = function (rootCategoryId) { if (isDealsCategory) { return $this.getDealsApiUrl(); } else { var categoryPath = typeof Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel !== 'undefined' ? Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel.CategoryPath : $("meta[name=CategoryPath]").attr("content"); var sortBy = Dell.Services.location.search().sortBy || Dell.Controllers.sortOptions ? (Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() !== 'selectedSort' ? Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() : 'price-ascending') : ''; var appliedRefinements = $this.getAppliedRefinements(); var pageNum = Dell.Controllers.filters ? Dell.Controllers.filters.pageNum : 1; if (appliedRefinements != null && appliedRefinements.length > 0) return '{0}anavfilter/GetSystemsResults?categorypath={1}&sortby={2}&appliedRefinements={3}&page={4}&categoryid={5}' .format(apiUrl, categoryPath, sortBy, appliedRefinements, pageNum, rootCategoryId); else if ($this.skipRefiner) { return '{0}anavfilter/GetSystemsResults?categorypath={1}&sortby={2}&page={3}&categoryid={4}' .format(apiUrl, categoryPath, sortBy, pageNum, rootCategoryId); } else return null; } }; var snpResultsApiUrl = function (rootCategoryId, parentCategoryId, isMerchandizingCategory) { var categoryPath = Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel.CategoryPath; var sortBy = Dell.Services.location.search().sortBy || (Dell.Controllers.sortOptions ? (Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() !== 'selectedSort' ? Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() : 'sort-relevance') : ''); var appliedKey = Dell.Services.location.search().appliedRefinements; var appliedRefinements = appliedKey ? appliedKey : ''; var pageNum = Dell.Controllers.filters ? Dell.Controllers.filters.pageNum : 1; return '{0}anavfilter/GetSnPResults?categorypath={1}&sortby={2}&appliedRefinements={3}&page={4}&categoryid={5}&parentCategoryId={6}&isMerchandizingCategory={7}' .format(apiUrl, categoryPath, sortBy, appliedRefinements, pageNum, rootCategoryId, parentCategoryId, isMerchandizingCategory); }; var anavResultsCountApiUrl = function (rootCategoryId) { var categoryPath = Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel.CategoryPath; var sortBy = Dell.Controllers.sortOptions ? Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() : ''; var appliedKey = Dell.Services.location.search().appliedRefinements; var appliedRefinements = appliedKey ? appliedKey : ''; return '{0}anavfilter/GetResultCount?categorypath={1}&sortby={2}&appliedRefinements={3}&categoryid={4}' .format(apiUrl, categoryPath, sortBy, appliedRefinements, rootCategoryId); }; //For now just overwriting the Ordercode and Product values with new 12 results per page this.setConversantData = function (ordercodes, products) { if (typeof MasterTmsUdo !== 'undefined') { MasterTmsUdo.CJ.ORDERCODE = ordercodes; MasterTmsUdo.CJ.PRODUCT = products; } }; $this.getAppliedRefinements = function () { return Dell.Controllers.filters && Dell.Controllers.filters.getSelectedFilters ? Dell.Controllers.filters.getFiltersList() : null; }; $this.isDealsCategory = isDealsCategory; $this.getDealsApiUrl = function () { var appliedRefinements = $this.getAppliedRefinements(); if (appliedRefinements != null && appliedRefinements.length > 0) { var sortBy = Dell.Controllers.sortOptions ? (Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() !== 'selectedSort' ? Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() : 'sort-relevance') : ''; return '{0}productanavfilter/GetSystemsResults?productCode=&subCategoryId={1}&appliedRefinements={2}&page={3}&sortBy={4}&originator=deals' .format(apiUrl, Dell.Controllers.tiles.selectedTile.CategoryCode, appliedRefinements, Dell.Controllers.filters ? Dell.Controllers.filters.pageNum : 1, sortBy); } } $(document).one('Dell.Services.DataModel', function () { $this.init(); }); }).call(Dell.Services.AnavResultsService); })(jQuery, window, document);; var Dell = window.Dell || {}; Dell.Controllers = Dell.Controllers || {} Dell.Controllers.tiles = {}; (function ($, window, document) { (function () { 'use strict'; var $this = this, $dealspage, TilesCategoryService = Dell.Services.TilesCategoryService, $rootScope = $('[data-scope]'), $baseUrl = $('base').attr('href'), $scope = $('#category-tiles'), categoryName = $rootScope.attr('data-cat-name'), subCategory = $rootScope.attr('data-subcategory-id'), $tiles = $('#category-tiles').find('.category-tile'), $series = $rootScope.find(".series-Family"), $title = $('#sharedPdPageProductTitle'), $displayOffCanvas = $('#display-off-canvas'), $mainContent = $rootScope, $moodboardImage = $('.mood-board-image'), $dealsmoodBoard = $('.deals-mood-board'), $moodboardMessage = $('.mood-board-text'); $this.selectedTile = $tiles.filter('.active').find('a').data('click'); $this.updateMoodboard = function (tile) { if (typeof tile.Moodboard !== 'undefined' && tile.Moodboard.IsVisible) { var imageAltText = tile.Moodboard.DealBannerSkinny.AltText, imageTitle = tile.Moodboard.DealBannerSkinny.TitleText, imageUri = tile.Moodboard.DealBannerSkinny.Url, message = tile.Moodboard.DealGreatFor; if (typeof imageUri !== 'undefined') { var imgHtml = '' + imageAltText + ' 0) { if (($dealspage.length == 0)) $rootScope.attr('data-state', 'getBrandSeries'); $this.setActiveTile($match); if (tile.UseExternalUrl === true) { window.location.href = tile.ExternalUrl; return; } $this.selectedTile = tile; if ($dealspage.length > 0) { //enable moodboard only for deals page $this.updateMoodboard(tile); } if (SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone()) { var $sel = $series.filter('[data-categorycode=' + tile.CategoryCode + ']'); if ($sel.length != 0 && tile.CategoryCode != categoryName) { $series.addClass('hide'); $sel.removeClass('hide'); $displayOffCanvas.attr('data-show-offcanvas', 'true'); } else { $series.removeClass('hide'); $displayOffCanvas.attr('data-show-offcanvas', 'false'); } SHOP.Transactional.OffCanvas.setupTransition(); } //categoryPathChange event if($rootScope.length){ TilesCategoryService.params.categoryTile = $this.categoryTile; TilesCategoryService.params.replaceStr = "/sc/"; TilesCategoryService.showRootorSubCategoryXsView(); $this.displayBrandSeries(); if ($('#deals-page.razor').length == 0) $rootScope.attr('data-state', ''); } TilesCategoryService.setUDOFamily(); } }; $this.displayBrandSeries = function () { var $brand = $series.filter('.' + $this.selectedTile.CategoryCode).removeClass('hide'); if (!SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone()) $title.text($this.selectedTile.TileTitle); $series.filter(':visible').addClass('hide'); if ($brand.length != 0) $brand.removeClass('hide'); else $series.removeClass('hide'); // the default $scope.triggerHandler('category.tileDataReceived'); }; var dieCutApiUrl = Dell.Controllers.diecut.dieCutApiUrl; $this.getComoDieCuts = Dell.Controllers.diecut.getComoDieCuts; $this.mobileTransition = function () { try { if (SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone()) { $mainContent.removeClass('hide hidden-xs'); } } catch (e) { } }; //handle empty tiles due to data issue $this.hideEmptytiles = function(tileObj) { var currCatcode = tileObj.CategoryCode, currCatpath = tileObj.CategoryPath, currUseExternal = tileObj.UseExternalUrl; $('.affix-error').addClass('hide'); $('.showErrorMessage').removeClass('show'); if ($('.' + currCatcode).length === 0 && !currUseExternal && (currCatcode !== currCatpath)) { //$(this).addClass('hide'); // hide empty tiles if (SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone()) { $('.backToRoot').parent('div').addClass('affix-back-btn'); $('.affix-error').removeClass('hide'); $('[data-off-canvas=content]').show().css('height', 'auto'); } else { $('.showErrorMessage').addClass('show'); $series.addClass('hide'); } if (typeof console !== 'undefined') { console.error('Brand Series data not found for '+currCatcode); } } }; $this.init = function () { $dealspage = $('#deals-page.razor'); /*if ($dealspage.length < 1) { $this.hideEmptytiles($this.selectedTile); }*/ $tiles.find('a').on('click.tile', function (e) { var tileObj = $(this).data('click'); if ($this.selectedTile.CategoryCode != tileObj.CategoryCode && !tileObj.UseExternalUrl) History.pushState({ tile: tileObj }, tileObj.TileTitle, ($baseUrl + tileObj.CategoryUrl).replace('//', '/')); else if (tileObj.UseExternalUrl) window.location.href = tileObj.ExternalUrl; }); $('.backToRoot').on('click.rootCategory', function () { $tiles.eq(0).find('a').triggerHandler('click.tile'); }); var state = History.getState(); var data = state.data || {}; var uParams = state.url.indexOf('?') != -1 ? state.url.substr(state.url.indexOf('?')) : ''; //don't replace active tile for deals on default if ($dealspage.length < 1) { data.tile = $this.selectedTile; data.tile.TileTitle = $title.text(); var unmodifiedCategoryUrl = TilesCategoryService.getCategoryUrl($baseUrl, $this.selectedTile.CategoryUrl); History.replaceState(data, $this.selectedTile.TileTitle, ($baseUrl + unmodifiedCategoryUrl + uParams).replace('//', '/')); } else if ($this.selectedTile) { $this.updateMoodboard($this.selectedTile); } $(document).ready(function () { if (!$('#accessoryResults').length && $this.categoryName !== "") $this.getComoDieCuts(); $this.mobileTransition(); $('.eBrands').removeClass('hide'); }); History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', function (e) { $('.affix-error').addClass('hide'); $('.showErrorMessage').removeClass('show'); var state = History.getState(); if (typeof state.data.tile !== 'undefined') { $this.onTileSelect(state.data.tile); //don't apply for deals /*if ($dealspage.length < 1) { $this.hideEmptytiles($this.selectedTile); }*/ }/*else if (state.data.currentFilters === null) { if ($dealspage.length < 1) { $this.hideEmptytiles($this.selectedTile); } }*/ }); }; if ($scope.length > 0) $this.init(); }).call(Dell.Controllers.tiles); })(jQuery, window, document);; var Dell = window.Dell || {}; Dell.Controllers = Dell.Controllers || {} Dell.Controllers.sortOptions = {}; (function ($, window, document) { (function () { 'use strict'; var $scope = this, $sort = $('#sort'), $selected = $('#selectedSort'), $filterState = !SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() ? $('#top-content') : $('#search-refiners').length > 0 ? $('#search-refiners') : $('#top-content'), $location = Dell.Services.location, $options = null, isSnpResults = Boolean($('#accessoryResults').length) && Boolean($('.product-stack-row').length); $scope.$showSortXs = $sort.find('div.showSortXs'); $scope.key = 'sortBy'; var initSort = function () { $options = $sort.find('.sortOption'); $options.unbind('click.' + $scope.key).bind(('click.' + $scope.key), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); onSortOptionSelect(this.id) }); $(document).on('click.sortXs', '#sortXs', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $scope.$showSortXs.show(); }); $('.anavSortCloseButton').unbind('click.closeSortXs').bind('click.closeSortXs', function () { $scope.$showSortXs.hide(); $filterState.attr('data-state', ''); }); $(document).on('anavFilter', function () { $scope.$showSortXs.hide(); }); if ((Dell.Services.location.search())[$scope.key]) $scope.onHistoryUpdate((Dell.Services.location.search())[$scope.key]); $(document).ready(function () { History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', function (e) { var state = History.getState(); $scope.onHistoryUpdate(state.data.sort); //prevent sort data from triggering anav results call for mobile when anav filters are visible if (state.data.sort && (!SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() || (SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() && $('[data-state="showAnavFilters"]').length === 0))) { var appliedRefinements = Dell.Services.AnavResultsService.getAppliedRefinements(); if (Dell.Services.AnavResultsService.isDealsCategory) { if (appliedRefinements != null && appliedRefinements.length > 0) $(document).trigger('anavFilter'); else $(document).trigger('dealsSortResults'); } else { if ($("#category-page").length == 1 && Dell.Services.DataModel.BrandAnav) { $(document).trigger('anavFilterWithoutRefiners'); } else { $(document).trigger('anavFilter'); } } } }); }); }; $scope.onHistoryUpdate = function (id) { //set ID via history back/forward event/initial load $scope.updateSort((typeof id !== 'undefined' && id != null) ? id : $options.first().attr('id')); }; $scope.updateSort = function (id) { var $opt = $options.filter('#' + id); if ($opt.length > 0) { $scope.$showSortXs.hide(); $selected.text($opt.first().text()).attr('id', id); $options.removeClass('selected-item'); $opt.addClass('selected-item'); } }; var onSortOptionSelect = function (id) { $filterState.attr('data-state', ''); //set ID via user selection & update the history via $location.pushParam if (id != $selected.attr('id')) History.pushState({ sort: id }, null, $location.search($scope.key, id)); }; $scope.closeSortOptionsXs = function () { $scope.$showSortXs.hide(); }; $scope.sortBy = function () { return $selected.length > 0 ? $selected.attr('id') : ""; }; if ($sort.length > 0) { $(document).ready(initSort); } else { $('#sortXs').hide(); } }).call(Dell.Controllers.sortOptions); })(jQuery, window, document); ; var Dell = window.Dell || {}; Dell.Controllers = Dell.Controllers || {} Dell.Controllers.filters = {}; (function ($, window, document, History) { (function () { 'use strict'; var $this = Dell.Controllers.filters, $scope = $('#anavFilter'), $rootScope = $('[data-scope]'), $refiners = $scope.find('.refiner'), currentFilters = [], $filterState = !SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() ? $('#top-content') : $('#search-refiners').length > 0 ? $('#search-refiners') : $('#top-content'), $pgBtn = $('a.load-more-button'), updateHistory = true, anavClick = false, om, vm, $location = Dell.Services.location, vueDefined = false, resultsPage = $('[data-state=resultsPage]').length; $this.pageNum = 1; $this.key = 'appliedRefinements'; $this.init = function () { Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel = Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel || Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterModel; if (Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel.Pagination.TotalPages === 1) $pgBtn.css('display', 'none'); //bind events and assign history watch on url param for filters $(document).off('click.anav').on('click.anav', '.dropdown-menu .anavRef, .mobRefinementList a.anavRef, .left-anav-menu .anavRef', function (e) { if (!$(this).hasClass('DISABLED')) { anavClick = true; var chkbox = $(this).find("input[type\x3dcheckbox]"); if (e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'input') { chkbox.prop('checked', !chkbox.prop('checked')); } $this.setSelectedFilters(this.id); if (!SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() && $('#accessoryCategory').length == 0) { if (!$this.hasSelectedFilters()) { $this.resetRefinementStates(); $(document).trigger('updateAnavResultsCount'); } else { $(document).trigger('anavFilter'); } } if (window.systemCategoryLeftAnav) { var leftAnavOffsetTop = 0; if ($("#leftAnavContainer") && $("#leftAnavContainer").length > 0) { if ($("#leftAnavContainer").offset()) leftAnavOffsetTop = $("#leftAnavContainer").offset().top; if ($(window).scrollTop() > leftAnavOffsetTop) { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: leftAnavOffsetTop }, 800); } } } anavClick = false; } }); $pgBtn.on('click.pagination', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (Dell.Services.AnavResultsService.isDealsCategory) { var appliedRefinements = Dell.Services.AnavResultsService.getAppliedRefinements(); if (appliedRefinements != null && appliedRefinements.length > 0) $this.paginationClicked(); } else $this.paginationClicked(); }); $(document).on('click.clearall', '.clearallrefiners', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $this.clearAllSelectedFilters(); $(document).trigger('updateAnavResultsCount'); }); $(document).on('click.refine', '.refinementFilter', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $this.setSelectedFilters($(this).attr('data-id')); if (!$this.hasSelectedFilters()) { $this.resetRefinementStates(); $(document).trigger('updateAnavResultsCount'); } else { $(document).trigger('anavFilter'); } }); $(document).on('click.filterbtn', '#showanavfilters, #anavFiltersXs', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $this.showAnavFilters(); }); $(document).on('click.sortbtn', '#sortsansanavXs', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $this.showSortXs(); }); $(document).on('click.closebtn', '.anavCloseButtonHook', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $this.closeFilters(); }); $(document).on('click.accordionicon', 'div.accordion-header a', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).find('.accordion-icon').toggleClass('icon-ui-minus'); }); $(document).on('click.reset', '.anavResetButtonHook', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $this.resetRefinersXs(); }); $(document).on('click.apply', '.anavApplyButtonHook', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $rootScope.attr('data-state', 'getAnavResults'); $filterState.attr('data-state', ''); var state = History.getState(); var data = state.data || {}; data.r = window.Math.random(); data.currentFilters = currentFilters; data.mobileApply = true; History.replaceState(data, state.title, state.url); }); $(document).on('anavFilter', function () { if (resultsPage) $filterState.attr('data-state', ''); }); $(document).on('newFilterData', function (e, d) { if (d) { if (d.Pagination && ((d.Pagination.TotalPages - d.Pagination.CurrentPage) > 0)) $pgBtn.css('display', 'block'); else $pgBtn.hide(); if (d.TotalResultCount) $rootScope.find('.resultsCount').text(d.TotalResultCount); //VUE Refresh if (d.Filters && d.Filters.Refiners) $this.updateRefiners(d.Filters.Refiners); } $this.setCommonVisualStateAfterAjaxRequest(); }); $(document).on('newResultCountData', function (e, d) { if (d && d.TotalResultCount) $rootScope.find('.resultsCount').text(d.TotalResultCount); if (Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel.TotalResultCount !== d.TotalResultCount && !SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone()) $(document).trigger('anavFilter'); }); $(document).on('inXtraSmallBreakpoint, inMediumBreakpoint::inLargeBreakpoint', function (event) { $this.setCommonVisualStateAfterAjaxRequest(); if ($this.hasSelectedFilters() && (Dell.Controllers.sortOptions && Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.showSortXs)) Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.showSortXs.hide(); }); om = om === undefined ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel.Filters.Refiners)) : om; //clone original object vm = Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel.Filters.Refiners; var state = History.getState(); var uFilters = (state.url.indexOf($this.key) != -1) ? $location.search(null, null, state.url.substr(state.url.indexOf($this.key)))[$this.key] : []; var data = state.data || {}; data.currentFilters = uFilters; data.mobileApply = true; if (uFilters && uFilters.length > 0) data.r = window.Math.random(); History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', function (e) { var state = History.getState(); if (typeof state.data.currentFilters !== 'undefined') { if (state.data.currentFilters != null && state.data.currentFilters.length > 0) { $this.onHistoryUpdate(state.data.currentFilters); if ((!SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() && !anavClick) || (SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() && state.data.mobileApply)) $(document).trigger('anavFilter'); } else if (vueDefined && (state.data.currentFilters == null || state.data.currentFilters.length === 0)) { $this.resetRefinementStates(); Dell.Services.AnavResultsService.cancelRequest(); } if (SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone() && !state.data.mobileApply) { if ($this.hasSelectedFilters()) { $this.showAnavFilters(); $(document).trigger('updateAnavResultsCount'); $this.setXsBtns(); } else { $this.resetRefinersXs(); } } } }); var sortBy = Dell.Services.location.search().sortBy; if (resultsPage && (data.currentFilters.length > 0 || sortBy !== undefined)) { if (data.currentFilters.length > 0) $this.onHistoryUpdate(data.currentFilters); else $(document).trigger('anavFilter'); } else { History.replaceState(data, '', state.url); } if (uFilters && uFilters.length === 0) { $this.applyVisitorPersistance(); } }; $this.applyVisitorPersistance = function (key) { try { key = Dell.Transactional.SearchStateManager.Storage.GetCleanKey(key); if (Dell.Transactional.SearchStateManager.Storage.FeatureEnabled) { var appliedVistorPersistance = false; var searchPersistUrl = Dell.Transactional.SearchStateManager.Storage.GetPersistUrlByKey(key); if (searchPersistUrl) { var sfilters = (searchPersistUrl.indexOf($this.key) > -1) ? $location.search(null, null, searchPersistUrl.substr(searchPersistUrl.indexOf($this.key)))[$this.key] : []; if (sfilters && sfilters.length > 0) { Dell.Controllers.filters.setSelectedFilters(sfilters, true); appliedVistorPersistance = true; } } if (!appliedVistorPersistance) { Dell.Transactional.SearchStateManager.Storage.Set(); } return appliedVistorPersistance; } } catch (e) { } return false; } $this.resetAnavData = function (d) { Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterModel = Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel = d; om = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterViewModel.Filters.Refiners)); }; $this.getSelectedFilters = function () { return currentFilters; }; $this.getFiltersList = function () { return currentFilters.length > 1 ? currentFilters.join(',') : currentFilters.length == 1 ? currentFilters[0] : ''; }; $this.hasSelectedFilters = function () { return (currentFilters.length > 0); }; $this.paginationClicked = function () { $this.pageNum = $this.pageNum + 1; $pgBtn.hide(); $(document).trigger('anavPagination'); }; $this.setCommonVisualStateAfterAjaxRequest = function () { var isResultsPage = ($('.razor.results').length) ? 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'hasSelectedRefinements' : isResultsPage)); } }; $this.updateRefiners = function (d) { if (d && d.length > 0) { vm = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(d)); if (!vueDefined) initVue({ Refiners: vm }); else Dell.Controllers.vue.setVMData($this.key, 'Refiners', vm); } }; $this.setSelectedFilters = function (id, triggerLoad) { var ids = typeof id !== 'string' ? id : id.split(','); var update = typeof triggerLoad !== 'undefined' ? triggerLoad : true; var refinerExists = false; for (var i = 0; i < vm.length; i++) { for (var ri = 0; ri < vm[i].Refinements.length; ri++) { if (Dell.Services.arrayIndexOf(ids, vm[i].Refinements[ri].Id) != -1) { if (vm[i].Refinements[ri].State === 'UNCHECKED') { vm[i].Refinements[ri].State = 'CHECKED'; currentFilters.push(vm[i].Refinements[ri].Id); } else if (vm[i].Refinements[ri].State === 'CHECKED' && update) { vm[i].Refinements[ri].State = 'UNCHECKED'; var idx = Dell.Services.arrayIndexOf(currentFilters, vm[i].Refinements[ri].Id); if (idx != -1) currentFilters.splice(idx, 1); } else if (!update) { currentFilters.push(vm[i].Refinements[ri].Id); om[i].Refinements[ri].State = 'UNCHECKED'; } refinerExists = true; } } } if (!currentFilters.length && ids.length && !refinerExists) { // set this deeplinking in SNP currentFilters = ids; } if (update && updateHistory) { var sort = Dell.Services.location.search().sortBy; var data = (sort) ? { currentFilters: currentFilters, sort: sort } : { currentFilters: currentFilters }; var fl = $this.getFiltersList(); if (fl == "") { Dell.Transactional.SearchStateManager.Storage.RemoveCurrent(); } History.pushState(data, '', $location.search($this.key, $this.getFiltersList())); } $this.updateRefiners(vm); /* S&P Category Page */ if ($('#accessoryCategory').length > 0) { setTimeout($this.routeResultsPage, 15); } Dell.Transactional.SearchStateManager.Storage.Set(); }; $this.routeResultsPage = function () { var url = window.location.toString(); window.location = url.replace('/ac/', '/ar/'); }; $this.onHistoryUpdate = function (ids) { var uParams = ($location.search())[$this.key] ? 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'resultsPage' : '')); if (resultsPage && Dell.Services.DataModel.AnavFilterModel.Pagination.TotalPages > 1) $pgBtn.show(); if (!SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone()) $filterState.attr('data-state', ''); $this.updateRefiners(om); $(document).trigger('originalstacks'); Dell.Transactional.SearchStateManager.Storage.Set(); }; $this.resetRefinersXs = function (e) { $this.resetRefinementStates(); History.pushState({ currentFilters: null }, '', '?'); $(document).trigger('updateAnavResultsCount'); $(document).trigger('anavFilter'); $this.setXsBtns(); $('div.accordion-inner').addClass('collapse').removeClass('in'); $('div.accordion-header').find('.accordion-icon').removeClass('icon-ui-minus'); }; $this.toggleRefinerAccordionState = function (refiner) { refiner.ShowRefinements = !refiner.ShowRefinements; }; $(document).on('inXtraSmallBreakpoint', function (event) { $filterState.attr('data-state', ''); }); var initVue = function (d) { vueDefined = true; //shared methods for templates via global mixin Vue.mixin({ methods: { refinerCount: function (i) { var l = i ? i.Refinements.filter(function (obj) { return obj.State === 'CHECKED'; }).length : 0; return (l > 0) ? ' (' + l + ')' : ''; }, getAnavOptionMetrics: function (i, r) { if (i && r) return JSON.stringify({ 'anav_caption_option': r.Name, 'anav_caption': i.Name }); return {}; }, selected: function (n) { var a = []; if (typeof n === 'undefined' || n === null || n.length === 0) return a; for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { a = a.concat(n[i].Refinements.filter(function (o) { return o.State === 'CHECKED'; })); } this.$nextTick(function () { if ($('a.refinementFilter').length > 0) $('.clearallrefiners').removeClass('hide'); else $('.clearallrefiners').addClass('hide'); }); return a; } } }); //create componenets and register parents Dell.Controllers.vue.newComponent([ { name: 'refinementlist', co: { template: $('.refinementList')[0], props: { refinements: Array, item: Object } } }, { name: 'mobrefinementlist', co: { template: $('.mobRefinementList')[0], props: { refinements: Array, item: Object } } }, { name: 'selectedfilter', co: { template: $('.selectedFilter')[0], props: { filter: Object } } }, { name: 'mobfilterlist', co: { template: $('.mobFilterList > ul')[0], props: { refiners: Array, refinements: Array }, components: ['mobrefinementlist'] }, register: true }, { name: 'filterlist', co: { template: $('.filterList > div')[0], props: { item: Object, refiners: Array, refinements: Array }, components: ['refinementlist'] }, register: true }, { name: 'anavcontroller', co: { template: $('anavcontroller')[0], props: { refiners: Array, refinements: Array, item: Object }, components: ['filterlist', 'mobfilterlist', 'selectedfilter'] }, register: true } ]); //create a vuew instance leveraging pre defined components Dell.Controllers.vue.register($this.key, $('#anavFilter')[0], d); if (SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone()) Vue.nextTick(function () { var refs = Dell.Services.location.search().appliedRefinements; if (refs) { var ar = refs.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { var $ref = $('#Anav a#' + ar[i]).closest('.refiner'); $ref.find('.accordion-inner').removeClass('collapse').addClass('in'); $ref.find('.accordion-icon').attr('class', 'accordion-icon icon-ui-minus icon-ui-plus'); } } }); } if ($scope.length > 0 || $rootScope.length) { $(document).ready($this.init); } else { // handle deep linking for non-anav pages var state = History.getState(); var data = state.data || {}; History.replaceState(data, '', state.url); } }).call(Dell.Controllers.filters); })(jQuery, window, document, History);; var Dell = Dell || {}; Dell.Services = Dell.Services || {}; Dell.Controllers = Dell.Controllers || {}; Dell.Controllers.deals = {}; (function ($, window, document) { (function () { 'use strict'; var TilesCategoryService = Dell.Services.TilesCategoryService, TilesController = Dell.Controllers.tiles, $location = Dell.Services.location, $baseUrl = $('base').attr('href'), $productStacks = document.getElementById('ProductStackContainer'), apiUrl = Dell.Services.apiUrl, $this = this, req = null, $title = $('#sharedPdPageProductTitle'), $tiles = $('#category-tiles').find('.category-tile'), $displayOffCanvas = $('#display-off-canvas'), $dealspage = $('#deals-page.razor'), $pgBtn = $('.seriesFamilyTablet').find('a.load-more-button'), isVue = Boolean($('#ProductStackContainer.vuePOC').length), $scope = $('[data-scope]'), isDeals = Boolean($('#deals-results-container').length), $document = $(document); $this.selectedTile = $tiles.filter('.active').find('a').data('click'); $this.pageNum = 1; Dell.Services.apiUrl = $scope.attr('data-api'); $this.rootDeal = $scope.attr('data-catid'); $this.subCategoryId = $scope.attr('data-subcatid'); $this.categoryTile = $this.subCategoryId; $this.paginationClicked = function (e) { var appliedRefinements = Dell.Services.AnavResultsService.getAppliedRefinements(); if (!(appliedRefinements != null && appliedRefinements.length > 0)) { e.preventDefault(); $this.pageNum = $this.pageNum + 1; $pgBtn.hide(); $document.trigger('dealsPagination'); } }; $pgBtn.on('click.pagination', $this.paginationClicked); var dealsResultsApiUrl = function () { var dealsPath = TilesController.selectedTile.CategoryCode; var sortBy = Dell.Controllers.sortOptions ? (Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() !== 'selectedSort' ? Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() : 'sort-relevance') : ''; //var sortBy = Dell.Controllers.sortOptions ? (Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() !== 'selectedSort' ? Dell.Controllers.sortOptions.sortBy() : 'price-ascending') : ''; var pageNum = Dell.Controllers.deals ? Dell.Controllers.deals.pageNum : 1; return '{0}category/deals/{1}?sortby={2}&page={3}'.format(apiUrl, dealsPath, sortBy, pageNum); }; $this.getDealsResults = function () { //check scope again it shifts in mobile view try { var key = ($baseUrl + TilesController.selectedTile.CategoryUrl).replace('//', '/'); var vpUrl = Dell.Transactional.SearchStateManager.Storage.GetPersistUrlByKey(key); if (vpUrl && vpUrl.length > 0) { return; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } $scope = $('[data-scope]'); Dell.Controllers.deals.pageNum = 1; var url = dealsResultsApiUrl(); if (url != null) { if (req != null && req.readyState < 4) req.abort(); $scope.attr('data-state', 'getDealsResults'); $document.trigger('bootstrapChk'); req = Dell.Services.httpGetService.getData(url) .success(function (data) { if (!isVue) { var $stackScope = angular.element($productStacks).scope(); $stackScope.$apply(function () { $this.mapDealsResultsData(data, $stackScope); }); } else { $document.triggerHandler('newResultsReceived', (data.Results ? data.Results : data)); $document.trigger('newDealsData', [data]); $scope.attr('data-state', 'dealsData'); } }).error(function () { $scope.attr('data-state', 'dealsError'); if (SHOP.Transactional.Breakpoint.isPhone()) $('.error-message.showErrorMessage').css('margin', '50% auto'); }); } }; $this.mapDealsResultsData = function (data, sc, concat) { sc.$parent = sc.$parent || {}; sc.DataModel = sc.$parent.DataModel = sc.DataModel || {}; if (!concat) sc.modelStacks = sc.$parent.DataModel.Stacks = sc.DataModel.Stacks = data.Stacks; else sc.modelStacks = sc.$parent.DataModel.Stacks = sc.DataModel.Stacks = (angular.isDefined(sc.DataModel.Stacks) ? sc.DataModel.Stacks.concat(data.Stacks) : data.Stacks); sc.$broadcast('newResultsReceived'); $document.trigger('newDealsData', [data]); }; //Pagination load more results $this.getMoreDealsResults = function () { //check scope again it shifts in mobile view $scope = $('[data-scope]'); $scope.attr('data-state', 'getMoreDealsResults'); Dell.Services.httpGetService.getData(dealsResultsApiUrl()) .success(function (data) { if (!isVue) { var $scope = angular.element($productStacks).scope(); 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this.appendChild(iframe); analyticsCall('youtubeplay', e.currentTarget.dataset.videoId); }); } }).call(Dell.Controllers.youtube); })(jQuery, window, document);; var Dell = window.Dell || {}; Dell.Controllers = Dell.Controllers || {}; Dell.Controllers.youku = {}; (function ($, window, document) { (function () { 'use strict'; var videos = document.querySelectorAll('.youku-wrapper'); var youkuApi = '//player.youku.com/jsapi'; var youkuClientId = '699bf17c39c022b1'; var videoStatusDic = {}; var analyticsCall = function (key, value) { if (typeof dellmetrics_trackvalue == 'function') { dellmetrics_trackvalue(key, value); } }; function checkVideoHasBeenPlayed(videoElementId) { if (videoStatusDic[videoElementId] == undefined) { videoStatusDic[videoElementId] = true; return false; } return true; } for (var i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) { var thumbnailImagesource = videos[i].dataset.thumbnailUrl; if (thumbnailImagesource) { var image = new Image(); image.src = thumbnailImagesource; image.className = 'img-responsive'; image.addEventListener('load', function () { videos[i].appendChild(image); }(i)); } else { videos[i].classList.add('youku-default-thumbnail'); } videos[i].addEventListener('click', function (e) { var youkuWrapper = this.id; var videoId = this.dataset.videoId; if (checkVideoHasBeenPlayed(youkuWrapper)) { return; } function loadScript(url, callback) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; if (script.readyState) { //IE script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (script.readyState === "loaded" || script.readyState === "complete") { script.onreadystatechange = null; callback(); } }; } else { //Others script.onload = function () { callback(); }; } script.src = url; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); } loadScript(youkuApi, function () { var player = new YKU.Player(youkuWrapper, { styleid: '0', client_id: youkuClientId, vid: videoId, autoplay: true, newPlayer: true, events: { onPlayerReady: function () { if (YKP == 'undefined' && YKP.isPC == 'undefined') { return; } if (YKP.isPC) { document.querySelectorAll('#' + youkuWrapper + ' .play-button')[0].style.display = 'none'; } else { /*Here are some tricky logic need be clarified * 1. why use interval: * in Mobile scenario, when onPlayerReady is called ,video-button still not * be generated, so we could not directly code like: * document.querySelectorAll('#' + youkuWrapper + ' .x-video-button')[0].style.display = 'none' * 2.var counter = 2; * style of 'x-video-button' is handled by youku api, display is set to 'block' twice during * youku loading, so set a counter, decrease it ,when counter equal to 0, remove interval */ var checkButton = setInterval(function () { var counter = 2; var ele = document.querySelectorAll('#' + youkuWrapper + ' .x-video-button')[0]; if (ele.style.display == 'block') { ele.style.display = 'none'; counter -= 1; if (counter == 0) { clearInterval(checkButton); } } }, 50); } } } }); analyticsCall('youkuplay', videoId); }); }); } }).call(Dell.Controllers.youku); })(jQuery, window, document);;